Matt Ehret: Origins of the Deep State in North America Part III: What is the Fabian Society and to What End was it Created?


Our first two installments have dealt with the origins of the Deep State in North America by reviewing the creation of the Rhodes Scholarship/Chatham House network at the end of the 19th century and the infiltration of indoctrinated scholars into every governing branch of western society. We traced the key players in this Oxford-based network who were formed with the intent of fulfilling the will of Cecil Rhodes to “form a church of the British Empire” and undo the effects of the American Revolution as a global phenomenon. We also saw how these networks worked closely with another early “think tank” called the Fabian Society in order to advance an agenda that required the destruction of the sovereign nation state system which had been founded upon the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia. This was exemplified by the 1999 “Chicago speech” of Fabian asset Tony Blair when he stated that the world must now embark upon a “post-Westphalian order” setting the stage for 9/11 and the new era of regime change that was soon unleashed. In the following report, we will look at the origins of the Fabian Society, by examining some of its founding members and governing philosophy.

Click here for part one:  The Rise of the Round Table Movement and the Sad Case of Canada (1864-1945)

Click here for part two: Milner’s Perversion Takes Over Canada (1945-1971)

The Nature of the Beast

Polarization is the name of empire. If a society can be kept under the control of their belief in what their senses tell them, then the invisible structures governing their behaviour will remain mystical and unknowable. More importantly than that, those intentions shaping such structures towards a pre-determined goal will also remain unknowable.

Read entire article HERE

James Fetzer: The Council of Europe Prohibits Mandatory Vaccines


Council Of Europe…

Simon Parkes, March 16, 2021


Excellent news from the Council of Europe (CoE), the world’s leading human rights organisation. It is the governing body of the European Court of Human Rights.

As you’re probably aware the CoE is distinct and separate from the EU. Forty-seven countries including all EU Member States are contracting parties to the CoE and the EurOpean Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). This is excellent news for people concerned about mandatory or coerced vaccination or discrimination on vaccination status.

To continue reading, click HERE

James Fetzer: Patrick J. McShay, America Betrayed

Corruption, Uncategorized

Anyone paying attention to the mainstream news in the last year can see that the public is being lied to about this pandemic and that the government’s stated objective to “Follow the science” has devolved into “Shut up and do as you’re told!”

Despite several mask studies that have concluded masks don’t work, and the fact that the Center For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) just published a report last week on March 5, written by doctors and Ph.D. scientists that admitted:

“Face masks do not provide protection against the Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) and potentially worsen the infection risk.” So, why are the Biden Administration and Dr. Fauci still pushing mandatory wearing of masks on us?

Continue reading article HERE

Gentlemen’s Genocide


Author:  Jack Mullen

Braindead Americans continue to beLIEve and behave according to ‘information” provided by the enemy controlled mainstream media. American mainstream media is now under full control of the enemy which has usurped governments and taken control of the nation and is murdering, maiming, plundering and soon starving the American people.

Click HERE to read full article

American Pravda: Covid-19, Its Impact and Origins After One Year


Athor:  Ron Unz

Winston Churchill famously observed that in wartime the truth must be surrounded by a bodyguard of lies. Many of my own long and most controversial articles have followed a somewhat analogous presentation, with the opening sections that sometimes run hundreds of words or longer often being rather innocuous or even somewhat off-topic.


Click HERE to read full article