Greg Maybury: Australian Perspective on CIA

Corruption, Government
Greg Maybury
Greg Maybury

Series title: Of Smoke ‘n Mirrors (Lost in the Wilderness)

The CIA must not only shoulder much of the blame for the position in which the U.S. finds itself within the geopolitical order; with little sign the agency has learned any lessons from its nefarious past, it appears self-evident for all but its most ardent apologists, the ‘Company’ can no longer be trusted—or for that matter, lay claim—to act in the national interest or in the interests of global stability, peace and security.

Part One   .   Part Two   .   Part Three

Berto Jongman: Pentagon Uses NGOs as Spies — Violation of US Law?

Corruption, Idiocy, Military

berto smallTop-Secret Pentagon Program Exploited Aid Workers as Covert Spies

Experts warn that Department of Defense espionage program places international NGOs at great risk

After a months-long investigation, The Intercept‘s Matthew Cole, with help from Margot Williams and Lee Fang, exposes the reach of a highly-classified Department of Defense program, which ran from December 2004 to 2013.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Pentagon Uses NGOs as Spies — Violation of US Law?”

Matthew Gault: Defense Waste — The Big Items

Corruption, Military

Matthew GaultHere’s How the Military Wasted Your Money in 2014

New year, old problems

The U.S. Congress approved $581 billion in military spending for 2014. That number includes the Pentagon’s base budget plus the Overseas Contingency Operations fund that pays for America’s various wars.

Shitty super-weapons (F-35, Littoral Combat Ships, M1A1 Tank)
Lazy ineffective Defense Logistics Agency
Afghan money pit

Charles Tiefer: Defense Waste

Corruption, Military
Charles Tiefer
Charles Tiefer

Huge Waste In $604 Billion Defense Bill Heads For Obama Veto

The $604 billion defense spending bill now nears passage with many billions of dollars in rampant defense waste scattered throughout. Aircraft waste on the pricey but flawed F-35, Navy waste on a next generation of nuclear submarines, and systemic waste in unchecked new weapons, all have found their costly places aboard the defense authorization bill.

Continue reading “Charles Tiefer: Defense Waste”

Matthew Gault: Defense Waste — $45 Billion in Afghanistan

Corruption, Military
Matthew Gault
Matthew Gault

How the Pentagon Lost Track of $45 Billion

It’s almost impossible to audit what taxpayers have spent to rebuild Afghanistan

Since 2002, Congress has set aside $104 billion specifically to rebuild Afghanistan. Of that, $66 billion went to the Pentagon. Recently, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction asked the military to account for all that spending. It couldn’t. According to a new report from SIGAR, the Pentagon only knows how it spent a third of its reconstruction budget.

That’s $45 billion dollars the military can’t track and the reason is … ridiculous. According to SIGAR, the Pentagon didn’t check a box on an electronic form when it filed the information in government databases.