James Fetzer: Assessing The Legality of Mandates for Vaccines Authorized via an Emergency Use Authorization

Corruption, Government

Efthimios Parasidis & Aaron S. Kesselheim

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued two Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) for Covid-19 vaccines, and may soon issue a third. Public health officials have begun vaccine administration via state-based priority access plans. Discussion of vaccine mandates is plentiful, including the potential for state-issued orders and private directives from employers and other non-governmental entities. What remains unclear is the legality of mandates for EUA vaccines.

Read full article HERE

DefDog: Zionist Red Mafiya Cyber-Industrial Espionage

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

The Maxwell Family Business: Espionage

Isabel Maxwell: Israel’s “Back Door” Into Silicon Valley

DEFDOG: Between their intimate controlled relations with bribed and blackmailed US officials at the federal, state, and local levels; their mastery of pedophilia blackmail to the point that they control Members of Congress, Governors, Judges and Justices, and major banking and corporate chiefs; and their software penetrations from the 1980's onward, the Zionist Red Mafiya (a conflation of Russian criminal titans, US traitors, and the State of Israel NEVER to be confused with Judaism) “own”  the USA. This would be easy  to clean up if NSA were weaponized against them — until then, they “own” the CIA &  FBI.

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Viganò: Holy See is ‘making itself the servant of the New World Order’

Corruption, Government

Viganò on Vatican ‘health’ conference with Fauci: Holy See is ‘making itself the servant of the New World Order’

The result is the super-imposition over the true Church of a sect of heretical and depraved Modernists who are intent on legitimizing adultery, sodomy, abortion, euthanasia, idolatry, and any perversion of the intellect and will. The true Church is now eclipsed, denied and discredited by her very Pastors, betrayed even by the one who occupies the highest Throne.

See full article HERE

RELATED:  Under cover of COVID, the Vatican is going haywire