Stephen E. Arnold: Daily Mail, Google, Class, Power, and Incentives


The estimable Daily Mail is a newspaper. The owner of the Daily Mail is the Daily Mail and General Trust plc. The big dog at the outfit is The Fourth Viscount Rothermere. Titles are important in England. Crickets the game. “Plumby tones” was crafted to describe the accents some Americans long to have. Dim lights, dark rooms, and hushed tones are also important.

Now the Viscount’s minions are demonstrating that none of their scion are likely to be tagged “googley.”

Read more HERE

Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit) President of the AZ Senate on Maricopa Co Supervisors Finally Waking Up?

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Ethics, Government

Author: Joe Hoft via Gateway Pundit

“Now I’m Beginning to Wonder Why Would They Not Want to Prove That Their Election System Works?”  – Karen Fann, President of the Arizona Senate on Maricopa County Supervisors (more beneath fold)

Continue reading “Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit) President of the AZ Senate on Maricopa Co Supervisors Finally Waking Up?”

Def Dog: Laboratories in US can’t find Covid-19 in one of 1,500 positive tests

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government

Alert Reader says,


 “Some of you may remember me sending you an email earlier that inferred that covid 19 was a hoax. Well take a look at this brief report and information about the CDC being sued by seven universities for, FRAUD !!!”

Continue reading “Def Dog: Laboratories in US can’t find Covid-19 in one of 1,500 positive tests”

Edwin Jewett: Prolonged Brain Dysfunction in COVID-19 Survivors: A Pandemic in its Own Right?

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government

We are running this post because Covid brain impairment is an important topic in its own right, and also to counter the dangerous patter we keep encountering in comments about how Covid is overblown because not all that many people die of it. This is “Oh, it’s no worse than the seasonal flu” 2.0, when no seasonal flu has reduced life expectancy or pushed hospitals across the US to their breaking point. Continue reading “Edwin Jewett: Prolonged Brain Dysfunction in COVID-19 Survivors: A Pandemic in its Own Right?”