Tom Atlee: What Does Sense-Making Mean? Part 4

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Ethics
Tom Atlee

What does “making sense” mean? (Sense-making – Part 4)

The phrase “it makes sense” has a lot going on in it, most of which we don’t pay much attention to… and that can create problems. I explore what that’s about and how to watch out for “confirmation bias” – the big booby trap in personal and group sense-making. I then dig underneath a similarly problematic phrase – “common sense” – questioning how common “common sense” usually is. Finally, I look at what might be involved in actually discovering or developing a collective sense of things that is common enough for all of us to use together.

Part 1   –   Part 2   –   Part 3

See Also: Tom Atlee @ Phi Beta Iota

Sarah Chamberlain: Open Letter from an American Coward

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics

Open Letter from an American Coward

My enemies are in a word, communists. Modern communists do not usually call themselves such. They do not talk about workers rising up and seizing the Means of Production.  Instead, modern communists adopt a rhetorical stance where they assume that all people and all property are ALREADY COLLECTIVIZED, then calmly discuss what WE should do . . .

This is how the enemy operates. In order for modern communists to have the latitude to execute their plans, they need every citizen to be as weak and dependent as possible.


Full Text Back Up Copy Below the Fold — Not Normally Done, This is Vital

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OathKeepers: Open Letter to President Trump – You Must Use Insurrection Act to “Stop the Steal” and Defeat the Coup

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

Open Letter to President Trump: You Must Use Insurrection Act to “Stop the Steal” and Defeat the Coup

Clearly an unlawful combination and conspiracy in multiple states (indeed, in every state) has acted to deprive the people of the fundamental right to vote for their representatives in a clean, fair election as is required in a free nation, striking at the very heart of what it means to have a republican form of government, and disenfranchising them. You, and you alone, are fully authorized by the Insurrection Act to determine that such a situation exists, and to use the U.S. military and the militia to rectify that situation. And the militia includes not only the National Guard units of each state, called into federal service, but also includes the body of the people, age 17-45, and especially us military veterans, who are by federal statute subject to call up for service as the militia until age 65, due to our prior training and experience.

Read full letter with many sensible recommendations.

#UNRIG Video (39:57) Taking Down the Deep State – Oto Gomes & RDS on Martial Law, Foreign Influence, Etc.

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence

BitChute Link  for Description, Embed Code, Full-Screen Viewing, & Sharing