Articles in this issue: ARSTRAT IO Newsletter v12 no 10
1. Disinformation Flies in Syria's Growing Cyber War
2. The Nature of China's Information Operations Strategy
3. Executives advocate a military approach to cybersecurity
4. Dysinformatsia redux
5. Hezbollah Under Attack
6. For Army's Electronic Warriors, Greater Foes than Afghanistan's Await
7. Pursuing Soft Power, China Puts Stamp on Africa's News
8. Pakistan's Army Steps Up Radio Wars
9. Pakistani Bloggers Accused of Hate Videos
10. The Return of Dr. Strangelove
11. Tagging and Tracking Espionage Botnets
12. China's ‘Model Workers' Head to Cyberspace
13. Symposium on Ancient Chinese Psychological Warfare held in Beijing
14. Internet Analysts Question India's Efforts to Stem Panic
15. Information Wars: Assessing the Social Media Battlefield in Syria
16. In Twist, Chinese Company Keeps Syria on Internet
17. Inside the Ring: Taliban Infiltrate Social Media
18. North Korean Jamming of GPS Shows System's Weakness
19. Army Increases Leader Training on Cyber Threats
20. ANSF Takes the Lead in Information Fight
21. US General: We Hacked the Enemy in Afghanistan
22. Facespook: Russian Spies Order $1mln Software to Influence Social Networks
23. Software Company Denies Spy Agency Collaboration
24. Pentagon Fighting Taliban on Social Media Front
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