Antechinus: Librem 15 – Trusted Laptop

IO Tools

The Purism Librem 15 is the first high-end laptop in the world that ships without mystery software in the kernel, operating system, or any software applications. All other laptops use hardware chips coupled with software that can betray you. News stories have shown how these chips can surreptitiously transmit voice, networking, picture or video signals. Other chips are used to install spyware, malware or viruses. These built-in vulnerabilities can turn “your” computer into “their” computer. Only by selecting each and every chip in our Librem laptops can we guarantee your privacy, security and freedom are protected.

Nik Peachy: Corpkit tool for investigating text

IO Tools
Nik Peachey
Nik Peachey

corpkit: a tool for investigating text

corpkit is a tool for doing corpus linguistics. It does a lot of the usual things, like parsing, concordancing and keywording, but also extends their potential significantly: you can concordance by searching for combinations of lexical and grammatical features, and can do keywording of lemmas, of subcorpora compared to corpora, or of words in certain positions within clauses.

Stephen E. Arnold: Web Crawling ToolKit

IO Tools
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

Short Honk: Crawl the Web at Scale

Short honk: I read “Aduana: Link Analysis to Crawl the Web at Scale.” The write up explains an open source project which can copy content “dispersed all over the Web.” Keep in mind that the approach focuses primarily on text. Aduana is a special back end for the developer’s tool for speeding up crawls which is built on top of a data management system. Read more.

Direct to Tool: Scrapinghub Platform

Berto Jongman: IDA on Global Coverage — Without Reference to Prior Art or the Real World

Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, IO Tools, Non-Governmental
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Without reference to Boyd Sutton or anyone else of note.

Rethinking the Concept of Global Coverage in the U.S. Intelligence Community

Institute for Defense Analysis, May 2015

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