Howard Rheingold: 23 IO Tool Ideas for Leveraging Twitter

IO Tools
Howard Rheingold
Howard Rheingold

When I teach infotention, I show learners how they can curate Twitter lists and use to turn the lists into daily briefings by networks of experts on topics of their choosing. Curating, focusing, distilling, and formatting incoming streams of information about precisely the topics that interest you at any time is a key infotention skill. h/t Tracy Vu

23 seldom-used ideas for how to utilize Twitter lists


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Howard Rheingold: 12 Informaton Tools

IO Tools
Howard Rheingold
Howard Rheingold

Again, this is from the productivity world, and infotention has an important core related to attention — not just tools, not just efficiency, but awareness and metacognition — but I know that at least a couple of these tools help me handle my info-flow (I use Slack and Skitch regularly)

12 Tech Tools Productivity Experts Can't Live Without

LIST ONLY: 1. Android Wear   .   2. Post-It Plus   .   3. Sunrise   .   4. USKAPE   .   5. Slack   .   6. NOISLI   .   7. Jamie's To Do   .   8. Eternity Time Log   .   9. Alarmed   .   10.  Timeful   .   11. Paperkarma  .   12. Skitch

Hal Berghel: Big Data is Big Doo Doo

IO Impotency, IO Sense-Making, IO Tools
Hal Berghel
Hal Berghel

Spy the Lie‘s techniue and informal logic work together to help us disinfect our infospheres from crap, bilious bombast, media-babble, disinformation campaigns, pseudoevents, and bad information of every stripe. These days common sense itself doesn’t cut it. We need tools!

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In fact, we computing professionals have unwittingly made infopollution much worse by increasing storage network capacity and bandwidth without a corresponding advance in filtering capability. We’ve turned big data into big dada.

Berghel Big Data as Big Doo Doo October 2014

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Nik Peachey: BigMarker for Free Webinars and Web Conferences (Small Free for Registering Paid Participants)

IO Tools
Nik Peachey
Nik Peachey

I've used BigMarker a few times now and it seems really reliable. Great that you can use it to actually sell seats for your webinars and they just take a very small percentage.

Host free webinars with up to 100 people. BigMarker is the easiest way to plan, conduct, record, and build community around great webinars.