SchwartzReport: Farming in the (Singapore) Sky

01 Agriculture, 07 Health, 12 Water
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Just as non-carbon innovation is pushing carbon energy out of the picture, so new forms of agriculture, such as those described in this article, are going to change agriculture. A significant segment of society now understands that locally grown organic produce is the most life-affirming option. Note also the list of unanticipated benefits to these systems.

Farming in the Sky

Why agriculture may someday take place in towers, not fields

Continue reading “SchwartzReport: Farming in the (Singapore) Sky”

SchwartzReport: Water Privatization — Be Very Afraid

12 Water
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

As I have said over and over “Water is Destiny.” Very few people have paid any attention to their water company. It's regular bill, one of those things that just is, as a part of modern life. That is about to change, as the privatization movement gains momentum. In this report you can see the emerging corporate view of the Water Privatization Trend. To me this is very scary stuff. The essential substance of life owned by a few people. Think about that.

Exclusive Dispatch: Private Water Industry Says Water Bills “Have to Go Up”

Continue reading “SchwartzReport: Water Privatization — Be Very Afraid”

Reflections on Open Source Water Desalination

12 Water, All Reflections & Story Boards
Robert David Steele Vivas
Robert David Steele Vivas


IF sea level is rising by 3mm a year, and there are roughly 335,258,000 square kilometers of ocean surface, and a 3mm rise equates to 3,000 cubic meters per square kilometer, THEN there are one trillion cubic meters (1,005,774,000,000) of sea water available for harvesting if our objective is to both maintain the sea level and solve the industrial gutting of aquifers and related drought issues.

If I have the math right, 1,005,774,000,000 cubic meters translates into 266 trillion (265,695,317,580,000) gallons of water available for harvesting; divided by 365 days that is 738 billion (727,932,376,932) gallons per day in clean water that could be brought on tap within the year.

Continue reading “Reflections on Open Source Water Desalination”

SchwartzReport: Drought Impacts Trees & Food

03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, 11 Society, 12 Water, Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

One aspect of climate change that people are simply not fully comprehending is the massive changes in the natural environment that are going to come with it. This report about California is just one example of what I mean. The massive restructuring of natural systems is going to be very challenging to our civilization.

Drought kills 12 million trees in California's national forests

It isn't just trees. Climate change is going to disrupt the food system, which is going to disrupt us in significant ways.  Once again I urge you to grow food and encourage and facilitate local food production. Communities that do that will have an easier time going through this inevitable transition.  And that is the reality. This restructuring is going to happen, because climate change is already happening, as this report and the tree story make clear.

California’s Drought Could Upend America’s Entire Food System

Sepp Hasslberger: Audi Makes Fuel from Water

03 Economy, 05 Energy, 12 Water
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

It's been done before, even in a much simpler way. In the 1920's Viktor Schauberger experimented with water vortex flow in closed containers with carbon dioxide added and he obtained a flammable liquid. And no, it doesn't necessarily take a lot of energy to do it. Water vortex and carbon dioxide atmosphere under pressure will do it after several hours of rotation. The vortex folds the carbon from carbon dioxide right into the water, making hydrocarbons which are fuel…

Audi Has Made Diesel From Water And Carbon Dioxide