Chuck Spinney & Gareth Porter: US to Blame for Rise of Islamic State and Syria Disaster UPDATE 1: WikiLeaks Documents US Perfidy

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

Below is a very important report describing how a string of US covert operations reaching back to the 1980s has created the bloody shambles in Iraq, Syria and the emergence of ISIS.*

The author, Gareth Porter, is one of the finest investigative reporters now operating in the United States.  Most importantly, IMO, Porter ends by connecting these covert operations to the money flowing through the political-economy of Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex.  Understanding this connection is key to understanding and correcting pathological militarism now distorting US behaviour at home as well as abroad.

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Chuck Spinney: Syria as Root for WWIII UPDATE Mike Whitney on Putin Winning

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Russia, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Officers Call
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

A General Summing Up of the West’s March to Folly in Syria


These early failures by the German and American leaderships led to ever more costly missteps and a loss of purpose as the respective leaders ‘dug in' to defend their mistakes.  To make matters worse, some domestic interests — e.g., the Krupp in Germany and the MICC in the US — thrived on the carnage and had an economic interest in its continuation.  And so, in very different circumstances, each conflict acquired a life of its own.

UPDATE 1: Putin’s “Endgame” in Syria

Complete essay and three links below the fold.

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: Syria as Root for WWIII UPDATE Mike Whitney on Putin Winning”

Ray McGovern: Russia, Syria, & US-Israel UPDATE

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Russia, Peace Intelligence
Ray McGovern
Ray McGovern

The Hope Behind Putin’s Syria Help

The risk here, however, is that the American neocons and liberal interventionists remain drunk on their dreams of a permanent U.S. global hegemony that doesn’t broach any rivalry from Russia, China or any other potential challenger to America’s “full-spectrum dominance.” If these war hawks don’t sober up – and if Obama remains their reluctant enabler – the chances that the crises in Ukraine or Syria could escalate into a nuclear showdown cannot be ignored. Thus, Russia’s move last week was truly a game-changer; and Putin is no longer playing games. One can only hope Obama can break free from the belligerent neocons and liberal war hawks.

Continue reading “Ray McGovern: Russia, Syria, & US-Israel UPDATE”

Chuck Spinney: Col Pat Lang Provides Strategy on Syria — For Adults with Intelligence and Integrity…

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

Below at the close of this excellent opinion piece by Pat Lang is sensible prescription for shaping a schwerpunkt in so-called Global War on Terror or GWOT.  Lang cuts thru the Gordian Knot of inwardly focused contradictions that are overloading and paralyzing America’s grand strategy* in the Syrian Civil War and turning our country into a international laughing stock on steroids.

Col Pat Lang, USA (Ret)
Col Pat Lang, USA (Ret)

Pat Lang's conclusion brought forward:

What to do?-  I was asked today to state what I think should be done:

* Accept the truth that we destroyed the Iraqi state and from that act of vandalism all present chaos in that country derives.

* Don't do it again in Syria.

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: Col Pat Lang Provides Strategy on Syria — For Adults with Intelligence and Integrity…”

Owl: Inside ISIS – Nuclear Holocaust?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime
Who? Who?
Who? Who?

Nuclear TSUNAMI: ISIS wants to wipe hundreds of millions from face of the earth

ISLAMIC State is a ‘nuclear tsunami’ that wants to wipe hundreds of millions from the face of the earth in the biggest religious holocaust the world has ever seen.

The claim comes from a veteran German journalist who is the only reporter to have been allowed to operate as an ‘embed’ with ISIS and escape alive. Jürgen Todenhöfer, 75, a former MP with Angela Merkel's CDU party, became a reporter in 2000 and has specialized in war reporting. He spent 10 harrowing days on the ISIS frontline, dodging bullets and death threats…

Continue reading “Owl: Inside ISIS – Nuclear Holocaust?”

Yoda: Syria’s Assad on US Blindness — US Realizing Syria Must Stand? Republican Candidates Blow It…

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 08 Wild Cards

yoda with light saberSyria's Assad blasts U.S.' “willful blindness” in fight against ISIS

Assad said the U.S., which has been leading a coalition that is carrying out airstrikes on ISIS militants in Syria and Iraq, refuses to work and coordinate with his government. For the U.S. officials, “if they cooperate with the Syrian army, this is like recognition of our effectiveness in fighting ISIS,” Assad added. “This is part of the willful blindness of the American administration, unfortunately.”

Continue reading “Yoda: Syria's Assad on US Blindness — US Realizing Syria Must Stand? Republican Candidates Blow It…”