Robert Parry: The Saudi Connection to Terror

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, IO Deeds of War, Peace Intelligence
Robert Parry
Robert Parry

The Saudi Connection to Terror

Exclusive: While Official Washington devotes much sound and fury to demands for a wider war in Syria and the need to turn away Syrian refugees, Democrats and Republicans dodge the tougher question: how to confront Saudi Arabia about its covert funding for Islamic State and Al Qaeda terrorists, writes Daniel Lazare.

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Nafeez Ahmed: NATO is Harbouring ISIS

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, IO Deeds of War
Nafeez Ahmed
Nafeez Ahmed

NATO is harbouring the Islamic State

Why France’s brave new war on ISIS is a sick joke, and an insult to the victims of the Paris attacks

Conspicuously missing from President Hollande’s decisive declaration of war however, was any mention of the biggest elephant in the room: state-sponsorship.   …   Earlier this year, the Turkish daily Today’s Zaman reported that “more than 100,000 fake Turkish passports” had been given to ISIS.    …   According to other ISIS suspects facing trial in Turkey, the Turkish national military intelligence organization (MIT) had begun smuggling arms, including NATO weapons to jihadist groups in Syria as early as 2011.   …   By now, this implies that Turkey has facilitated over $1 billion worth of black market ISIS oil sales to date.

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Marcus Aurelius: ISIS-Related Headlines

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Russia, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, IO Deeds of War
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

Phi Beta Iota: We will update this post as other headlines are received from the contributing editor. No one wants to address the reality that Saudi Arabia and Israel are “root.” We believe Charlie Hebdo was a false flag state-sponsored attack and it is highly likely the Paris attacks and the forthcoming attacks in Berlin (or elsewhere now that the plan has been captured) are state-sponsored attacks. The US is being played as a shiksa — a Gentile fool that can be manipulated and abused with impunity.

Categories include Perspectives, Key People, Technologies, Resources, and Full Reports.

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ISIS Round-Up — The Best of the Rest

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism
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Click on Image to Enlarge

Isis in five charts

Tunesia, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Morocco, Lebanon, Libya, Turkey, Egypt, Iraq provide most fighters. Biggest fifth columns are from and in France, Britain, Germany, Australia, and Belgium.

ISIS, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and their ‘Sovereign Wealth Funds'

The rapid spread of Islamic State could only have occurred with a high degree of funding and support from without. Qatar and Saudi Arabia have most often been named, with money for terrorism either coming from super-rich individuals or the governments themselves. We know that both countries channelled large funds into Islamist groups in Syria in the early stages of the war there and that the two Gulf states have spent billions of dollars on promoting the militant interpretation of Islam known as Wahhabism as well as committing many human rights abuses in their own countries.

Continue reading “ISIS Round-Up — The Best of the Rest”

YouTube Takes on Paris False Flag UPDATE 2

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, IO Deeds of War
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Click on Image to Enlarge


Video shows woman escape point-blank shooting by gunman in Paris attacks


Paris Attacks False Flag Jewish Owners sold Bataclan Theater JUST BEFORE ATTACK!

Phi Beta Iota: The Charlie Hebdo attack, almost certainly a false flag, was intended to punish France for supporting Palestine and frighten more Jews into leaving France for Israel (as happened in the case of the owners). There is no proof, yet, this was a false flag operation, but many indicators are emergent. Anyone doubting the mendacity of the Zionists need only remember the USS Liberty. This does not excuse what the US and NATO have done in creating the new swath of destruction since 9/11 was orchestrated by Dick Cheney in the guise of a national counter-terrorism exercise, it merely provides necessary clarity.


YouTube (8:00) Stadium Explosions Piped Over Loudspeakers, No Photos, Soccer Game Goes On…

YouTube (7:48) Paris France “Terrorist Attack” Psyop Hoax – Cafe Suicide Bombing Scene “Forensic Experts” Exposed

YouTube (5:27) Paris France Bombing “Terrorist Attack” Hoax – Death Metal Concert Alley Way Staged Scene Exposed

Phi Beta Iota: No blood, no damage, no debris around all the alleged explosions. No footage from ordinary people — NONE. This is NOT the same thing as being able to prove this was a hoax, these are only indicators.A false flag generally DOES include dead people, both innocents who have no idea they are being killed by their own side for a “greater good,” and patsies who think they are under the control of their allies (e.g. Saudi Arabia) when they are actually being fooled by their ostensible enemies (Israel).  ISIS is in fact a coalition operation where Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey, the dark side of the US Government and the dark side of the  French government, all have common interests in fostering war on Syria against the opposition of all of us with intelligence and integrity.

See Especially:

How Saudi Arabia exports radical Islam

ISIS is a Saudi Project (Atlantic)

The First Question to Ask After Any Terror Attack: Was It a False Flag

See Also:

Paris False Flag @ YouTube

Mongoose: Is Saudi Arabia Bribing the French Government while Israel Orchestrates the False Flag Operations?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, IO Deeds of War

France has benefited from its support for the U.S.-Wahhabi regime change project in Syria and Iraq by getting huge orders for military equipment from the medieval Wahhabi regimes:

Apr 2015 – France and Qatar seal $7 billion Rafale fighter jet deal
June 2015 – Saudi Arabia and France ink $12bln deal
Sept 2015 – François Hollande of France Says Assad Must Go

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