Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: Harrison Owen

Alpha M-P, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Peace Intelligence
Harrison Owen
Harrison Owen

Harrison Owen lives in Maryland and is immediately available to help any element of the U.S. Government, from White House to the smallest independent element of the U.S. Intelligence Community.

“Learning as Transformation” is one of his more important and most widely-read online papers.

He is the inventor of Open Space Technology (OST).  Below are links to reviews of his two most important books.  At his home page (click on the photo) are links to Papers and other gold nuggets.

Review: Wave Rider: Leadership for High Performance in a Self-Organizing World

Review: The Practice of Peace

We consider his offering so very important to our shared future that below we summarize the ingredients.  This knowledge is free and can be used by anyone anywhere.

Continue reading “Who's Who in Peace Intelligence: Harrison Owen”

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Jane McGonigal

Alpha M-P, Collective Intelligence

Dr. Jane McGonical

Jane McGonigal, Ph.D. (born 1977) is a game designer and games researcher, specializing in pervasive gaming and alternate reality games. She worked with alternate reality game design company 42 Entertainment from 2004 to 2006, on projects including I Love Bees (2004) as Community Lead / Puzzle Designer, and Last Call Poker (2005) as Live Events Lead. Additionally, she has collaborated on commissioned games for the Whitney Museum of American Art and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles.[citation needed]

In recent years, McGonigal has grown especially interested in the way that massively multiplayer online gaming generates collective intelligence, and interested in the way that the collective intelligences thus generated can be utilized as a means of improving the world, either by improving the quality of human life or by working towards the solution of social ills. She has expressed a desire that gaming should be moving “towards Nobel Prizes.”[1] These ideas informed her collaboration in World Without Oil (2007), a simulation designed to brainstorm (and potentially avert) the challenges of a post-peak oil future.

”]Reality is broken, says Jane McGonigal, and we need to make it work more like a game. Her work shows us how.

Games like World of Warcraft give players the means to save worlds, and incentive to learn the habits of heroes. What if we could harness this gamer power to solve real-world problems? Jane McGonigal says we can, and explains how.

TED Speaker Bio

Wikipedia Bio with Many Links

Institute for the Future

Avant Game (Her Home Base)

DuckDuckGo Search Results

See Also:

Who’s Who in Earth Intelligence: Medard Gabel

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Jerome Glenn

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Pierre Levy

Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: Robert Young Pelton

Alpha M-P, Peace Intelligence
Robert Young Pelton

Robert Young Pelton is one of just two speakers demanded by the international audience attending the annual conference on National Security & National Competitiveness: Open Source Solutions.  The other was Stephen E. Arnold.  RYP is the single most sensible, qualified, courageous, and plain honest journalist we know, across the creative and investigative spectrum.

DuckDuckGo on RYP
Gone Fishing.....

See Also:

Search: robert young pleton (sic) pelton

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Carol Dumaine

Alpha A-D, Global Futures Partnership, Policy, Public Intelligence, Reform
Click on Image to Enlarge

Ms. Carol Dumaine is one of a very small number of individuals who have sought to pursue what Gifford Pinchot calls “intrapreneurship,” but on a global scale.

She first came to international attention when she pioneered Global Futures Partnership, an analytic endeavor seeking to enhance outreach and cross-fertilization across varied communities of practice.

She received the following recognition from the emergent M4IS2 community in 2002:

Global Futures Partnership, Central Intelligence Agency
OSS '02: 21st Century Emerging Leadership Award. Global Futures Partnership, Central Intelligence Agency. Under the leadership of Carol Dumaine with her extraordinary vision, the Global Futures Partnership has created strategic learning forums bringing the rich perspectives of the outside world into the classified environment in a manner never before attempted. This official but revolutionary endeavor nurtures an outside-in channel for integrating a diversity of perspectives. It is a vanguard toward a future in which the lines between national and global intelligence, and between governmental and nongovernmental intelligence, are blurred into extinction.

She is interested in the areas of “knowledge ecosystems,” “ecologies of innovation,” and “collective intelligence” for applicable models, practices and theories which may be useful to prototyping a new capacity for “strategic intelligence” in energy and environmental security.

Carol Dumaine is a graduate of Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and has a Master's degree from Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies.

On the left is her May 2009 presentation to the International Security Forum in Geneva, and on the right, a March 2009 presentation at the Institute for Environmental Security of the Brookings Institute.

Carol Dumaine Geneva May 2009
Carol Dumaine Geneva May 2009
Carol Dumaine, March 2009, Brookings
Carol Dumaine, March 2009, Brookings


See Also at Phi Beta Iota:

Reference: 2010 Global Foresight Commons

Search: “global futures partnership” 2010

2009 Dumain Geneva Common Security Uncommon Challenges

2009 Carol Dumaine: New Security Challenges

2006 HBK Carole Dumaine Global Futures Partnership “Are You Ready”

2004 New Frontiers in Intelligence Analysis (Global Futures Partnership and Gino Germani Center)

2002 Global Futures Partnership–Vision of Lasting Value

Reference: Global Futures Partnership “Are You Ready”

External Links of Note

Carol Dumaine – Energy and Environment in a 21st Century Security Framework

Gov 2.0 Summit 09: Carol Dumaine, “Rapid Fire: Setting the Stage” repaired 24Sep 2012

Plan To Aid National Security (2008)

Top Hits

See Also:

Congressman James Moran Honors Carol Dumaine


Monograph: The U.S. Intelligence Community and Foreign Policy Getting Analysis Right

Reference: Italian Ministry of Defense Briefings

Reference: UnityNet — an M4IS2 Option

Search: The Future of OSINT [is M4IS2-Multinational]

Virtual President Announces Coalition Cabinet

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: John N. Warfield

About the Idea, Alpha V-Z, Collective Intelligence

Dr. John N. Warfield (1925-2009) was emeritus professor and director of the Institute for Advanced Study in the Integrative Sciences (IASIS) at George Mason University.

He has been elected President of the Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (formerly called the Society for General Systems Research). He served as Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics from 1968 to 1971, and as founding Editor-in-Chief of the Pergamon journal Systems Research, during the period 1981-1990. Warfield is a member of the Academic Committee of the International Encyclopedia of Systems and Cybernetics.

He is a Life Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and holds that organization's Centennial Medal. He is a member of the Association for Integrative Studies.

In 2006 John N. Warfield was awarded the Joseph G. Wohl Award for Career Achievement at the 2006 annual meeting of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society. This is the highest award given by the society, and is not awarded every year. He was awarded for his contributions to systems engineering concepts, methodology, design, education and management. Warfield was also awarded the IEEE Third Millennium Medal.

Wikipedia Biography & Links

His Most Relevant Online Work

GMU Digital Exhibit

GMU Special Collection (100 Boxes)

Worth a Look: Strong Signal–Anger in the Heartland

Cultural Intelligence, Worth A Look
Marcus Aurelius Recommends

Phi Beta Iota: America is divided into Nine Nations culturally and geographically, 50 States that comprise the United STATES of America, many now considering nullification and some considering secession, and two parties that shut out one third or more of the electorate and electoral candidates.  Sadly, Americans agree on 80% of the issues but spend all of their time in conflict on the 20% that are ideologically rooted, while also refusing to see that the only thing America needs to get back on track is Electoral Reform–restoring the integrity of the connection between citizens, their taxes, and how their government spends those taxes.  Below, from Marcus Aurelius, is a “strong signal” representing anger in the heartland.

Signs Northbound on I-5 near Chehalis, WA (88 miles south of Seattle )

One of Twelve Signs

Click on the Image to see the other eleven.