Worth a Look: American Deception

07 Other Atrocities, IO Deeds of War, Worth A Look

logo american deceptionWelcome to American Deception. This website is committed to exposing the deceptively hidden truths that have brought America, and the world as a whole, to the present situation, where individual freedom is becoming a thing of the past. Little of what has occurred throughout history has been by mistake, yet there is a wide belief amongst the majority of people that “bad things just happen for no reason at all”. Seen as more of a faulty and clumsy political dance, it is easier for many people to believe that most unfortunate happenings are a result of misjudgments or error.

As our visitors will quickly notice, the informational content has rarely if ever been covered by the Major Media. This is of no surprise since the triangle is as one. It is hardly a complicated reality that the corporations own the government as well as the media. Therefore one should not be surprised that what is called news in this country is more omission than commission, and therefore does not reflect accurately what is happening here in the U.S. or elsewhere in the world. When the truth has been burned or hidden, one immediately suspects connivance amongst those in charge, or to use a “dirty” word: “conspiracy”. We have been conditioned to believe that those who attribute certain actions to conspiracy should not be taken seriously with regard to the particular issue at hand, or more importantly, any issue they may discuss in the future. The media has been highly successful in limiting discussion of important issues simply by rejecting out of hand any mention of the role of conspiracy or planning in the economic, social, and political transformation of the globe as a whole.

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Worth a Look: Context Institute

Worth A Look

logo%20context%20instituteContext Institute

Whole-system pathways to a thriving sustainable future

Worth a Look: Sarapis Non-Profit, Free/Libre/Open Source (FLO) Solutions to Local Challenges — A NYC Change Agent

#OSE Open Source Everything, Worth A Look

Sarapis | What

  FLO projects make their source materials freely accessible to the public at no cost & with few, if any, restrictions.

What’s the Problem?

Technological advancements lead to increases in productivity that are supposed to lead to increases in wealth. But for the vast majority of Americans, real wealth has actually been decreasing over the last 30 years. So where is all the new wealth going?

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Sarapis Non-Profit, Free/Libre/Open Source (FLO) Solutions to Local Challenges — A NYC Change Agent”

John Boik: Principled Societies Project – Local Economic Direct Democracy Association (LEDDA) Framework

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, Future-Oriented, Methods & Process, Resilience, Worth A Look
John Boik
John Boik

Communities worldwide want economies that are stronger, greener, fairer, more resilient, more democratic, and more diverse. Jobs must be created, climate change addressed, infrastructure repaired, schools upgraded, and more. The LEDDA economic direct democracy framework, now under development, offers a bold yet practical solution.

The LEDDA framework provides greater organization to a local economy, one hard-wired for cooperation and steeped in democratic decision-making processes. A complete description is given in the book Economic Direct Democracy: A Framework to End Poverty and Maximize Well-Being.

Continue reading “John Boik: Principled Societies Project – Local Economic Direct Democracy Association (LEDDA) Framework”

Worth a Look: Center for Planetary Culture

Civil Society, Worth A Look

logo center for planetary cultureWe are delighted to announce the launch of Center for Planetary Culture, a new not-for-profit think tank, with upcoming events in New York on June 11, and Los Angeles on June 24

Center for Planetary Culture advances new ideas and solutions to today’s most pressing ecological, social, and political issues. The mission of the Center is to change global beliefs and practices, supporting the transition to a regenerative society. The Center was founded by Executive Director Daniel Pinchbeck, author and thought leader, with his wife, Creative Director Jana Astanov. Supported by Peter and Jennifer Buffett and the Novo Foundation, the Center will produce issue papers, research projects, and educational media. 

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Berto Yongman: Red (Team) Analysis Society

Worth A Look
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Worth a look.

The Red (Team) Analysis Society

Strategic Foresight & Warning, Anticipatory Intelligence, Political Risk Assessment

Creating anticipatory intelligence is nothing else than deciphering the dynamics of the world… What will happen to us in the future? How shall we fare, collectively and individually? How can we improve how we deal with the future? How shall we cope with various dangers, pressures but also opportunities? Which are those issues, how do they evolve and what to expect next? Welcome to the website of The Red (Team) Analysis Society.

See Also Today by This Team:

Strategic Intelligence Assessment for Ukraine – Setting the Stage

Worth a Look: Analytics in a Big Data World – The Essential Guide to Data Science and its Applications

Worth A Look
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

The guide to targeting and leveraging business opportunities using big data & analyticsBy leveraging big data & analytics, businesses create the potential to better understand, manage, and strategically exploiting the complex dynamics of customer behavior. Analytics in a Big Data World reveals how to tap into the powerful tool of data analytics to create a strategic advantage and identify new business opportunities. Designed to be an accessible resource, this essential book does not include exhaustive coverage of all analytical techniques, instead focusing on analytics techniques that really provide added value in business environments.

The book draws on author Bart Baesens' expertise on the topics of big data, analytics and its applications in e.g. credit risk, marketing, and fraud to provide a clear roadmap for organizations that want to use data analytics to their advantage, but need a good starting point. Baesens has conducted extensive research on big data, analytics, customer relationship management, web analytics, fraud detection, and credit risk management, and uses this experience to bring clarity to a complex topic.

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Analytics in a Big Data World – The Essential Guide to Data Science and its Applications”