Worth a Look: Esplorare Internet – Manuale di investigazioni digitali e Open Source Intelligence

Intelligence (Public), Worth A Look
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Autore: Leonida Reitano

Collana:Giornalismo Investigativo

Formato:14 x 21 cm

Pagine:264 + Cop. in brossura

Disponibile dal 20 novembre 2013



Questo è il primo manuale italiano rivolto all’utilizzo professionale della rete Internet per ricavare informazioni su fenomeni sociali e criminali, persone fisiche e giuridiche, profili individuali e collettivi. Un manuale per i giornalisti d’inchiesta, ma che torna utile a tutte le professioni aventi a che fare con l’investigazione.

La metodologia illustrata è l’OSINT (Open Source Intelligence, analisi delle fonti aperte) che comprende diversi ambiti disciplinari combinati tra loro (strumenti di hacking della rete, uso avanzato dei motori di ricerca, utilizzo dei portali di investigazioni digitali, tecniche di analisi investigative per valutare il materiale e proiettarlo su strumenti di elaborazione grafica dei dati) e ricorre a diverse fonti (mezzi di comunicazione di massa, dati pubblici, file multimediali, dati provenienti da database con informazioni istituzionali o da database a pagamento con informazioni di provenienza editoriale).

Attraverso l'analisi delle fonti aperte su Internet è possile ottenere informazioni significative pur partendo da pochissimi dati. L'indirizzo di un sito web, un'email, un semplice curriculum vitae possono diventare delle miniere di notizie e dettagli informativi. In un mondo aperto come quello di Internet, documenti, dati e  informazioni saranno sempre più messi a disposizione degli utenti della rete. Conviene essere preparati e pronti allo sfruttamento di questa immensa risorsa.

In Italia il giornalismo investigativo è in piena espansione. Dal lato televisivo, per esempio, ci sono programmi come Report, Inchieste di Rainews24, Presa Diretta. È quindi il momento più adatto per lanciare sul mercato editoriale una collana giovane e agile, con nomi di spicco ma anche con esordienti in grado di realizzare inchieste di qualità: nasce così la nuova collana giornalismo investigativo, frutto dell’incontro tra l’AGI (Associazione di Giornalismo Investigativo) e Minerva Edizioni.

English translation of above, below the line.

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Worth a Look: Sir Lawrence Freedman on Strategy – Comment by Robert Steele

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In Strategy: A History, Sir Lawrence Freedman, one of the world's leading authorities on war and international politics, captures the vast history of strategic thinking, in a consistently engaging and insightful account of how strategy came to pervade every aspect of our lives.

The range of Freedman's narrative is extraordinary, moving from the surprisingly advanced strategy practiced in primate groups, to the opposing strategies of Achilles and Odysseus in The Iliad, the strategic advice of Sun Tzu and Machiavelli, the great military innovations of Baron Henri de Jomini and Carl von Clausewitz, the grounding of revolutionary strategy in class struggles by Marx, the insights into corporate strategy found in Peter Drucker and Alfred Sloan, and the contributions of the leading social scientists working on strategy today. The core issue at the heart of strategy, the author notes, is whether it is possible to manipulate and shape our environment rather than simply become the victim of forces beyond one's control. Time and again, Freedman demonstrates that the inherent unpredictability of this environment-subject to chance events, the efforts of opponents, the missteps of friends-provides strategy with its challenge and its drama. Armies or corporations or nations rarely move from one predictable state of affairs to another, but instead feel their way through a series of states, each one not quite what was anticipated, requiring a reappraisal of the original strategy, including its ultimate objective. Thus the picture of strategy that emerges in this book is one that is fluid and flexible, governed by the starting point, not the end point.

A brilliant overview of the most prominent strategic theories in history, from David's use of deception against Goliath, to the modern use of game theory in economics, this masterful volume sums up a lifetime of reflection on strategy.

Recommended by Berto Jongman

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Worth a Look: Routledge International Handbook on Hate Crime

5 Star, Justice (Failure, Reform), Worth A Look
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Routledge International Handbook on Hate Crime

Edited by Nathan Hall, Abbee Corb, Paul Giannasi, John Grieve

Routledge – 2014 – 624 pages


This book brings together many of the world's leading experts, both academic and practitioner, in a single handbook that examines key international issues in the field of hate crime. Collectively, this represents the first single text to provide a detailed picture of the hate crime ‘problem’ around the world and will serve as the definitive publication in this area.

Broken into four parts, this book covers theory, concepts and history; the international geography of hate; key issues in hate crime; and international efforts to combat hate and hate crime.

Recommended by Berto Jongman

If You Cannot Wait, Available Now:

2012  Hate Crimes: Causes, Controls, and Controversies, 2nd Edition

2003 Spaces of Hate: Geographies of Discrimination and Intolerance in the U.S.A.

2003 Hate and Bias Crime: A Reader

2001 In the Name of Hate: Understanding Hate Crimes

2001 From Hate Crimes to Human Rights: A Tribute to Matthew Shepard

Berto Jongman: Al Shabaab in Somalia

01 Poverty, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 5 Star, Terrorism & Jihad, Threats (Emerging & Perennial), Worth A Look
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Since early 2007 a new breed of combatants has appeared on the streets of Mogadishu and other towns in Somalia: the ‘Shabaab', or youth, the only self-proclaimed branch of al-Qaeda to have gained acceptance (and praise) from Ayman al-Zawahiri and ‘AQ centre' in Afghanistan. Itself an offshoot of the Islamic Courts Union, which split in 2006, Shabaab has imposed Sharia law and is also heavily influenced by local clan structures within Somalia itself. It remains an infamous and widely discussed, yet little-researched and understood, Islamist group.

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Hansen's remarkable book attempts to go beyond the media headlines and simplistic analyses based on alarmist or localist narratives and, by employing intensive field research conducted within Somalia, as well as on the ground interviews with Shabaab leaders themselves, explores the history of a remarkable organisation, one that has survived predictions of its collapse on several occasions. Hansen portrays al-Shabaab as a hybrid Islamist organization that combines a strong streak of Somali nationalism with the rhetorical obligations of international jihadism, thereby attracting a not insignificant number of foreign fighters to its ranks. Both these strands of Shabaab have been inadvertently boosted by Ethiopian, American and African Union attempts to defeat it militarily, all of which have come to nought.

See Also:

Qwant: Al Shabaab Across the Board

Al Shabaab Tweets [Account Suspended]


Worth a Look: Writing [On the Arab] Revolution – Voices from Tunis to Damascus

Cultural Intelligence, Worth A Look

Amazon PageRecommended by Berto Jongman


From Cairo to Damascus and from Tunisia to Bahrain, Layla Al-Zubaidi and Matthew Cassel have brought together some of the most exciting new writing born out of revolution in the Arab world. This is a remarkable collection of testimony, entirely composed by participants in, and witnesses to, the profound changes shaking their region. Situated between past, present and future – in a space where the personal and the political collide – these voices are part of an ongoing process, one that is at once hopeful and heartbreaking. Unique amongst material emanating from and about the convulsions in the Arab Middle East, these creative and original writers speak of history, determination and struggle, as well as of political and poetic engagement with questions of identity and activism. This book gives a moving and inspiring insight into the Arab revolutions and uprisings: why they are happening and what might come next.

Table of Contents

Introduction by Samar Yazbek
1. Greetings to the Dawn: Living through the Bittersweet Revolution (Tunisia) by Malek Sghiri
2. Cairo, City in Waiting (Egypt) by Yasmine El Rashidi
3. Bayou and Laila (Libya) by Mohamed Mesrati
4. We Are Not Swallows (Algeria) by Ghania Mouffok
5. The Resistance: Armed with Words (Yemen) by Jamal Jubran
6. Coming Down from the Tower (Bahrain) by Ali Aldairy
7. Wishful Thinking (Saudi Arabia) by Safa Al Ahmad
8. And the Demonstrations Go On: Diary of an Unfinished Revolution (Syria) by Khawla Dunia

About the Editors

Matthew Cassel is a journalist and photographer covering the Middle East for Al Jazeera English. Cassel first learned about the region through his human rights and media work in Palestinian refugee camps. Over the past decade he has worked in the occupied Palestinian territories, Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Bahrain and elsewhere. Formerly Assistant Editor of the The Electronic Intifada online journal, he is connected to activists, journalists, writers, artists and others at the forefront of the movement for change in the region.

Nemonie Craven Roderick is a literary agent. She has contributed to Sight & Sound, Roads & Kingdoms and The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Literary and Cultural Theory, amongst other publications.

Layla Al-Zubaidi is Director of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in South Africa, and was previously based in Beirut and Ramallah. She has published on cultural resistance and freedom of expression, and is co-editor of Democratic Transition in the Middle East: Unmaking Power (Routledge, 2012). She is also on the Executive Committee of Freemuse — World Forum on Music and Censorship.

Berto Jongman: A Violent Non-State Actors Reading List

Worth A Look
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

A Violent Non-State Actors Reading List


In the introduction to her edited volume Violent Non-State Actors in World Politics, Klejda Mulaj notes that, while political science scholarship has extensively examined non-state actors (most notably those whose activities are primarily economic), violent non-state actors (VNSAs) “have only recently received sustained interest amongst academic and policy circles.” The study of VNSAs is thus a young and developing academic field, and scholars examining VNSAs will experience both the joys and also the pitfalls of working on a relatively new topic. The theoretical literature is highly uneven, with some extraordinarily well developed concepts mixed with a battery of assumptions that the field may no longer adhere to in four or five years.

This semester I’m teaching a course on violent non-state actors for Georgetown University’s security studies program, the first such class that the program has offered (although it has offered courses examining terrorism and counterterrorism for many years). A number of colleagues have expressed interest in seeing my syllabus, or having me provide a reading list. Thus, to assist other scholars with an interest in VNSAs, I’ve compiled the following reading list, largely based on my course syllabus. The inclusion of a particular work does not constitute an endorsement (which should be evident to those who remember my reaction to Pape and Feldman’s Cutting the Fuse), but it means that it’s part of the relevant discussion that scholars should be having.

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Worth a Look: American Coup: How a Terrified Government Is Destroying the Constitution

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Amazon Page

When we think of a military coup, the first image that comes to mind is a general, standing at a podium with a flag behind him, declaring the deposing of elected leaders and the institution of martial law.

Think again.

In AMERICAN COUP, William Arkin reveals the desk-bound takeover of the highest reaches of government by a coterie of “grey men” of the national security establishment. Operating between the lines of the Constitution this powerful and unelected group fights to save the nation from “terror” and weapons of mass destruction while at the same time modifying and undermining the very essence of the country. Many books are written about secrecy, surveillance, and government law-breaking; none so powerfully expose the truth of everyday life in this state of war.

Recommended by Berto Jongman. Pre-order now, release date 10 September 2013.