Worth a Look: Human-Centered Knowledge Buckets

Advanced Cyber/IO, Worth A Look
KBucket - Knowledge Buckets | Infotention | Scoop.it

“KBucket as a platform is designed to be a search site for curated content. Each search term will give you tens of possible curated and researched pages on the topic of your interest. Our vision for KBucket is a Wikipedia type platform curated and clustered by humans . This video explains our vision.”

Brought to you by Optimal Access, Inc.  From their About page:

The following statement by Geoff Tothill form FirstAssist – a client that has been using our desktop product for many years – perfectly describes the challenge they face and how our product has helped them solve the problem of Context Management and information access personalization.

“The problem with the traditional concept of a web portal is that structure and direction is ‘designed into' the portal and the addition of new material, or the personalization of this information for use in a restricted part of an operation can be very time consuming.

Using Optimal Desktop as a universal client we have solved many of the traditional problems associated with the structuring of information which is derived from multiple sources. We have built individual panels (cabinets) for each of our teams, with information grouped together logically in groups (drawers). This has allowed a large amount of information to be deployed in a coherent and understandable way.”

Phi Beta Iota:  Something very interesting is starting to happen — push-back and proven superiority of humans over algorithms.  Human-centered curation is joining M4IS2 as a focal point for creating the World Brain.

Worth a Look: ORTLOS [Nomadic Holistic Architecture]

Worth A Look



“Peripatetic, nomadic, with no interest in categorization, but in intersection, non-sequiturs. Celebrating visual overstimulation, the equivalency of photography, graphics, architecture, advertising, film. X=X” – Thom Mayne, Star Architect and Pritzker Prize Winner

“ORTLOS are not only fine architects but are also interested in the new working relationships of cyberspace” – Neil Spiller, Visionary Architect

“As the link between analogue and digital fields, concerning the relationship between architecture and virtual media, they are defining new functional and typological concepts” – Derrick de Kerckhove, Director of McLuhan Program

“In the 21st century innovation will be the most valuable asset. The environment for innovation must be open, collaborative, multidisciplinary and global. And so are ORTLOS.” – Georg Flachbart, Action Philosopher and Director of Mind(21)Factory

Worth a Look: PogoWasRight.org

Worth A Look
Click on Image to Enlarge

PogoWasRight.org is my attempt to increase awareness of privacy news and issues. The site is not affiliated with any Pogo or Walt Kelly enterprises or web site. If you are looking for the official Pogo web site, it is at PogoPossum.com. Please send them my love.

PogoWasRight.org was born in 2006 because I wanted to expand the privacy news and issues coverage that I had been providing Cotse.net and then for TheMissingAmendment.org.  I chose the name PogoWasRight because I am a fan of the cartoon character and think that his “We have met the enemy and he is us” applies equally well to privacy as it did to the environment.

This site does not accept any advertising or political sponsorship. If I promote or recommend a site, it’s because I believe that they are worth promoting and for no other reason. I am a long-time independent and am an equal opportunity sniper when it comes to political organizations.

When I am not working on this site or its companion sites, www.databreaches.net and phiprivacy.net, I am a licensed mental health professional who is also an active advocate for the disability community. I occasionally discuss those topics on my personal blog, the Chronicles of Dissent. I choose to remain pseudoanonymous on my privacy sites for a variety of reasons.

Worth a Look: Dr. James Wilk, Change Agent

Methods & Process, Worth A Look
Dr. James Wilk

Personal Page at Oxford

EXTRACT:  Armed with this conviction about “where the action is,” I found my philosophical research invariably led me into study and research within each of the scientific fields with which my conceptual inquiries shared a sufficiently long border, including inter alia neuroscience, cybernetics, complexity theory, semiotics, perceptual control theory, communication theory, psychology and psychoanalysis. I pursued these empirical studies in depth alongside my work in analytic philosophy, and so accordingly, for what it’s worth, my academic credentials have come to include degrees in cybernetics (from Brunel University—in the former Institute of Cybernetics) and in social sciences and neuroscience as well as philosophy (from Oxford), among other things, grounding my philosophical inquiries with training and research on the empirical side of the fence.

“Philosophy Without Arguments: Think Before You Think”

EXTRACT:  Academic philosophy has lately made a fetish of arguments in the sense of disputation, in place of arguments in the sense of argumentation to establish the reasonableness or otherwise of conclusions reached.  A more and more arcane, deliberately exclusive technical vocabulary has largely displaced a long tradition of philosophical writing accessible to those from other disciplines.  Philosophers have increasingly been talking only to themselves, and in voices increasingly shrill.  Competition thriving on disagreement has replaced cooperation in the service of reaching agreement.  Technical, often pseudoscientific logic-chopping and internecine disputes, spurred on by what Freud called “the narcissism of minor differences,” have replaced an overriding interest in cooperative engagement with colleagues outside philosophy, in the humanities and in the sciences.  Dogged by false oppositions between logic and rhetoric, the empirical and the conceptual, philosophers for the first time in modern intellectual history have found themselves operating in a vacuum.

The Oxford don with tiny answers

EXTRACT: Four of the largest books in Wilk’s library — where he keeps his kaleidoscope collection — comprise his thesis. His friends call it “the slab”. Its title is Principium Metamorpholigica. Metamorphology, from metamorphosis, is, according to Wilk, a “nascent discipline” concerned with the science of change. So far, Wilk is its only practitioner. His thesis is highly technical, drawing on the work of cyberneticians such as Gregory Bateson and DJ Stewart, who supervised the doctoral work. Its central argument: that change is instant and easy, no matter how large the system.

The Science of the Nudge: Minimalist Intervention and the Nature of Change

a one-year introductory course on the philosophical and scientific understanding of change
and its application in rapidly pinpointing minimalist interventions

Interchange Know-How (Company Site)

EXTRACT: Each Interchange design session normally results in a pertinent and elegant solution that can be implemented at once, with immediate and bankable results, only occasionally requiring a second or third session to secure the client’s objectives. Daunting challenges and ambitious objectives—regardless of how longstanding and intractable, . . . or new, daring and unprecedented—can be successfully addressed and secured within days or weeks, and executives can accordingly dispense with normal expectations of feasibility and timescales. In place of high-risk, high-profile, high-cost initiatives, Interchange enables clients to achieve the same or better results reliably—in a fraction of the time—through low-risk, low-profile, catalytic interventions or “nudges” whose marginal cost of implementation is typically negligible.

Interchange Know-How

Worth a Look: Free Internet Search & Research Tools

Analysis, Methods & Process, Tools, Worth A Look

Home Page


Search Engines

Kid Friendly and Educational Search Engines

Meta & Mega Search Tools

Phone Number, People and Company Finders

Social Media and Real-Time Search and Collaboration Tools


Deep Web and Specialty Research Tools

Username Search


Useful Web Sites, Tools and Documents

Proxy Servers, Online Privacy and Security Tools


Image Search

Online Communities

Whois, IP Lookups and Web Site Analysis

Reference Sites

Language Tools