Worth a Look: Mesh Networks

Autonomous Internet, Technologies, Worth A Look
Aaron Huslage

I know many of these people. They have been working on mesh for a long time. Worth a look and following….

Creating a solar autonomous mesh node: the basics

Waspmote: the Wireless Sensor Networks mote

The Mesh networks research group is formed by research and developer teams throughout all the world which are involved in active wireless mesh networks projects.


The Mesh Networks Research Group is focused in the mesh networks field and cover aspects like privacy, security, routing protocols, mobile mesh networks and roaming. All the members of this group are concerned about the importance of open source projects when sharing and spreading knowledge. The open source concept applies to use open routing protocols for ensuring interoperability among networks and open monitoring and test platforms.


Worth a Look: Gaming, Artificial Life & Intelligence

Advanced Cyber/IO, Technologies, Worth A Look
Who, Me?

Imagine a game in which “true cost” is the norm, and the public can see alternative realities that are fully transparent and show the art of the possible in the absence of corruption….note the “bottom up” nature of the project.

Inside One Man’s Kickstarter Quest to Build True Artificial Life

Virtual worlds have long been populated by creatures that interact, reproduce, compete, evolve and die. But by and large, they do so because their behavior is programmed by developers. These efforts can produce complex virtual ecosystems, but they’re not quite the digital reflections of what happens in nature.

Life in the real world is “programmed” by DNA, but its form and behavior are determined by the random mutation of genetic code, not by the intentions of a developer. Computer scientists have always been intrigued by the prospect of creating “artificial life” — that is, digital genetic code that can sustain itself over generations and adapt to meet the demands of a virtual environment without human interference.

Q & A With Steve Grand, Artificial Life Developer

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Gaming, Artificial Life & Intelligence”

Worth a Look: OpenBeacon

IO Technologies, Mobile, Worth A Look
Michel Bauwenss

OpenBeacon Press News

Background information on OpenBeacon social networking features as used in our sister project SocioPatterns.org:

Dynamics of Person-to-Person Interactions from Distributed RFID Sensor Networks

Live Social Semantics

Phi Beta Iota: This is the secret sauce for connecting the digital “virtual” revolutionary circles, and the same circles on the street face to face.  It has been used for years at Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE), and is a modern day version of the self-identification pins of Charles Fourier.  Imagine now if every American committed to destroying the two-party tyranny and achieving Electoral Reform were to buy and wear one of these.  It would create a critical mass–a constantly live, interactive, irrepressible swarm for the restoration of the Republic.

Click Here for More Information


Reference: The Growth of Cryptography

Movies, Worth A Look

The Growth of Cryptography

February 8, 2011

It’s not every day that Euclid appears in public with “Alice and Bob,” but in a lecture spanning a few thousand years, Ronald Rivest summons these and other notables in his history of cryptography. While citing milestones of code-making and breaking, Rivest also brings his audience up to date on the latest systems for securing information and communication networks, which owe much to his own research.

Speaker: Ronald Rivest

Andrew and Erna Viterbi Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT

Event Host: The Office of the President of MIT

Worth a Look: FREE Personal Cloud Organizer

IO Sense-Making, Worth A Look
Click on Image to Expand

The Pitch:  Own Your Cloud

1.  Search Personal Cloud Data

2.  Unify Your Email

3.  Single Sign-On

4.  Manage Online Documents

5.  Backup Your Cloud Data

6.  Manage Your Photos

Primadesk Datasheet ..  Press Release ..  Home Page

Phi Beta Iota: A member of our collective saw this at DEMO Spring 2011.  What impressed us most was not the product but the fact that it was being led by the guy who created Gold Mine, in its time one of the best Contact Management offerings.  This offering still appears to be in gestation, but what captured our attention was its potential as a foundation for autonomous communities of interest that could control their own data.  It is offered FREE.  Worth a look!

VECTOR: Autonomous Internet Building Block?

Autonomous Internet, Worth A Look
Click on Image to Enlarge

VECTOR Managed Service Platform is a rapidly deployable, cloud-managed technology innovation that can take you in new directions. VECTOR’s game changing combination of technologies, integrated on one plug and play platform provides the IT infrastructure necessary to set up your remote office or project office.

Click on Image to Enlarge

VECTOR Chart in PDF Form

VECTOR Home Page 1

VECTOR Home Page 2


Phi Beta Iota: A member of our collective saw this at DEMO Spring 2011. It felt right and the people around it felt right also. Strong “worth a look.”