Worth a Look: Carving a Pumpkin with a Pistol

Worth A Look
Real Pumpkin, Real Bullets

Okay all you half-crazed trained killers with time on your hands….here's the challenge: carve a pumpkin with just fifteen rounds–twenty for anyone using less than a 9mm or .380 ACP, five rounds for those with a .45.

And in passing:

Overall, the 9mm provides a 40 percent greater wounding effectiveness (based on wound channel surface area) than does the .380. When equivalent bullet designs in the two cartridges are compared directly (for example, the Winchester SXTs and Remington Golden Sabers), the distinction is obvious. The .380 is simply not in the same performance class as the 9mm, even though the subjective experience of firing the two pistols is very much the same.

9mm Versus .380 ACP For Self-Defense

Worth a Look: Books on Toil in the Shadows

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Amazon Page

Sarah Ford's two-fisted journey from a London council flat to the WRENS (Royal Navy) to her undercover action with the Special Air Service in Northern Ireland is an amazing odyssey, and her narrative keeps the pages turning. This is one tough broad, brought up on the mean streets of London, and her poignant struggle to escape the despair and poverty of the bottom rungs of British society and lead a productive life is truly inspiring.

What is really amazing about this coming-of-age story, however, is the unusual direction it sudenly takes, leading her away from the Royal Navy and into the shadowy world of the SAS, where she risks her life almost daily in the deadly rowhouses of Northern Ireland. This is an angle on “The Troubles” you don't see much of. Highly recommended.

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One book that has stood the test of time is Jeffrey Race's War Comes to Long An: Revolutionary Conflict in a Vietnamese Province, which was re-released this year with new forewords and an analytical conclusion by the author. First published in 1972, the book remains a seminal read for academics and policymakers concerned with these ever-evolving
inter-related subjects, as well as for those more specifically interested in the Vietnam War.

Outside the academy the book has long received strong recognition across the political spectrum. Not only is it a mainstay in the curriculum of all senior service schools for the US military and leading US universities that train future diplomats, but even the most scathing critic of modern US foreign policy, Noam Chomsky, once wrote that it was the “best account of the origins of the insurgency” in South Vietnam.  Full Review by Jason Johnson.

Amazon Page

Secrets of the Cold War' focuses on a dark period of a silent war and offers a new perspective on the struggle between the superpowers of the world told in the words of those who were there. The author, formerly an expert in counterintelligence in US Army Europe, weaves together exciting true accounts of allies collecting enemy information in the East and fighting spies and terrorist in the West. Amassing Soviet military information by Allied agents in the East is at the forefront! Learn the bizarre method a British agent uses to obtain the muzzle size of a Russian tank as he risks his life jumping on a moving train in East Germany. A French officer drives into a Soviet tank column and escapes undiscovered by cunning methods. In West Germany, terrorist attacks and spies are rampant. Communists shoot a rocket propelled grenade into a General's occupied limo and terrorists kidnap another General. From the espionage files, an American soldier is nearly recruited in a downtown bar to be a spy and a First Sergeant is lured by sex to be an unknowing participant in spying. Behind-the-lines images are historic and intriguing. See photographs of a French officer and a Soviet officer relaxing in the East German woods in a temporary unofficial peace; ‘James Bond' type cars with their light tricks and their ability to leave their Stasi shadows ‘wheel spinning' in the snow will amaze readers.  Read More….

Worth a Look: Ideal “Scary Story” for Incumbents

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Amazon Page

GIFT IDEA:  Buy this book, read it, and then mail it in a plain brown envelope to your incumbent.  This is our non-violent way of helping them understand just how pissed-off America is by the two-party corrupt tyranny.  Act now before the book goes out of print.  This is an “icon” book, faster, better, cheaper than buying bullets.  Communicate!

Worth a Look: A Plan to Dump Congress in 2012

Worth A Look

————————– Re-Inventing Democracy ————————–

Take a stand.  Find allies.  Build winning voting blocs.  Get Control of Government.

2012: How U.S. Voters Can Wrest Control of Congress from Special Interests
(Revised 09.29.10)
The electorate's dissatisfaction with the nation's lawmakers has reached a critical stage. A majority of U.S. voters want to see most elected representatives in Congress defeated because they favor special interests over voters' interests. Unfortunately, legal obstacles erected by the two major parties prevent voters from replacing most of these representatives unless they use the large scale collective action power of the Internet to work around them.

These obstacles range from federal and state election laws to campaign finance laws and Supreme Court decisions that favor private over public funding of elections. Voters can't change these laws within the foreseeable future. But they can circumvent them at the Congressional election district level. The web savvy 125 million voters who used the Internet to influence the outcome of the 2008 elections can use breakthrough web technologies to elect a majority of Congressional representatives untainted by special interests in 2012.

These technological advances, particularly the web application discussed in this series, enable voters to build winning transpartisan voting blocs in their…

Read the rest….

Home Page with PROTOTYPE Policy Options and Voter Empowerment

Phi Beta Iota: Similar to what we conceptualized with Joe Trippi and others in 2008, but with its own unique and patentable approach, this PROTOTYPE could be the “killer app” for democracy.  We will know more in early 2011.

See Also:

Graphic: 24/7 Participatory Budget-Policy

Election 2008 Chapter: Call to Arms, Fund We Not Them

2008 ELECTION 2008: Lipstick on the Pig

2007 The Big Picture: Restoring the Constitution and the Republic through Deliberative Democracy