Worth a Look: Tom Bearden on Energetics, Scalar War, BioWar, Free Energy, and More

Worth A Look

ROBERT STEELE: I was introduced to this man's work by John Peterson, founder of the The Arlington Institute and one of the top futurists (and top observers of extraterrestrial and paranormal fields). I am very very impressed. I recommend everyone take a very close look, particularly as we evaluate the intersection of the coronavirus and 5G.

Tom Bearden Website


2010 USAF PDF (42 Pages): Biotechnology Genetically Engineered Pathogens

Rashid Khalid, Censored by Zionist-Controlled Wall Street Journal, on the Erasure of 100 Years of Palestinian History by Zionist Israel

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence, Worth A Look
Amazon Page

Erasure of Palestinians from Trump’s Middle East ‘Peace Plan” has a hundred year history

Whatever the merits of Zionism, Yusuf Diya wrote, the “brutal force of circumstances had to be taken into account.” Palestine “is inhabited by others.” It had an Indigenous population that would never accept being superseded, making it “pure folly” for Zionism to plan to take Palestine over. “Nothing could be more just and equitable” than for “the unhappy Jewish nation” to find a refuge elsewhere, but, he concluded, “in the name of God, let Palestine be left alone.”

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Worth a Look: Conviction Machine – Standing Up to Federal Prosecutorial Abuse by Sidney Powell and Harvey Silvergate

Worth A Look

Together, Powell and Silverglate shine a light on the defects of the system: overzealous prosecutors, perjury traps, negligent judges, perverse limits on self-defense, vague and overabundant criminal statutes, insufficient requirements for criminal intent, and no accountability for prosecutors. Most important, they provide a much-needed blueprint for reforming the Department of Justice and the criminal justice system, including actions an average citizen can take to help restore justice.

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Worth a Look: All Hell Breaking Loose – The Pentagon’s Perspective on Climate Change

Earth Intelligence, Worth A Look
Amazon Page

Both as participants in climate-triggered conflicts abroad, and as first responders to hurricanes and other disasters on American soil, the armed services are already confronting the impacts of global warming. The military now regards climate change as one of the top threats to American national security―and is busy developing strategies to cope with it.

Drawing on previously obscure reports and government documents, renowned security expert Michael Klare shows that the U.S. military sees the climate threat as imperiling the country on several fronts at once. Droughts and food shortages are stoking conflicts in ethnically divided nations, with “climate refugees” producing worldwide havoc. Pandemics and other humanitarian disasters will increasingly require extensive military involvement. The melting Arctic is creating new seaways to defend. And rising seas threaten American cities and military bases themselves.

See Also:

Michael Klare: Climate Change Tipping Points

Review: Resource Wars–The New Landscape of Global Conflict

Worth a Look: Blood in the Water – How the U.S. and Israel Conspired to Ambush the USS Liberty

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government, Officers Call, Worth A Look
Amazon Page

“Finally, the definitive reconstruction of the greatest moral and political scandal in American history, which demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt that the US government at its highest level conspired with Israel in 1967 to destroy a surveillance naval vessel, USS Liberty, and murder its own sailors to gain a pretext for launching an aggressive attack on Egypt. With this exposé, based on exhaustive research and extensive interviews, Joan Mellen has done an immense patriotic service. An extraordinary book that should be not only read but acted upon.”

—Richard Falk, Albert G. Milbank Professor of International Law, Emeritus, Princeton University

REVIEW: Blood in the Water: How the U.S. and Israel Conspired to Ambush the USS Liberty

See Also:

USS Liberty @ Phi Beta Iota

Worth a Look: Open Borders Inc.: Who’s Funding America’s Destruction?

Worth A Look

Follow the money, find the truth. That’s Michelle Malkin’s journalistic mantra, and in her stunning new book, Open Borders Inc., she puts it to work with a shocking, comprehensive exposé of who’s behind our immigration crisis.

In the name of compassion—but driven by financial profit—globalist elites, Silicon Valley, and the radical Left are conspiring to undo the rule of law, subvert our homeland security, shut down free speech, and make gobs of money off the backs of illegal aliens, refugees, and low-wage guest workers.

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Open Borders Inc.: Who's Funding America's Destruction?”