Robert Horn: Visualizing World’s Biggest Problems

Access, Data, Design, Innovation, Knowledge, Transparency
Robert Horn
Robert Horn

Robert Horn is a political scientist with a special interest in public policy, organizational strategy, and knowledge management. These days, he deals mostly with social messes. Social messes are more than complicated problems. I define them as tightly interconnected clusters of wicked problems and other messes. They are very complex; ambiguous; highly constrained; seen differently from different ideologies and worldviews; and contain many value conflicts. They usually contain major entanglements of economic, social, and political, cultural, and psychological factors.  Bob is a pioneer in dealing with messes through interactive visual analysis with task groups.

Below the Fold Are Links and Some Astonishing Visuals

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Jean Lievens: Build Your Own Micro-Factory — Freedom Through Inexpensive Open Source Everything

Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Build Your Own Micro-Factory (It’s Cheaper Than You Think)


At the root of Gershenfeld’s course is a list of machines. These are not exotic, multi-million dollar machines, although you can certainly spend a pretty penny on the top end models in each category. Rather, these devices, with the possible exception of the 3d printer are all fairly well known quantities. Gershenfeld’s Fabrication Laboratory (Fab-Lab, for short), networks these various machines and makes them work together. He does that in a space about the size of a two-car garage.

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EFF: Students Re-Launch Open Access Button App for Free Access to Paywall Research


eff logoStudents Re-Launch Open Access Button App to Find Free Access to Scientific and Scholarly Research

Millions of people use research everyday. From students, medical professionals, to curious hobbyists, we all benefit from being able to access, read, and cite reliable, tested information. But getting the research we need can be hard and costly when it's locked up behind expensive paywalls. Two university students, David Carroll and Joseph McArthur, were finally fed up with being denied access to online journals and articles that were necessary to continue their studies—so they decided to take matters into their own hands. The result was Open Access Button, a browser-based tool that records users’ collisions with paywalls and aids them in finding freely accessible copies of those research articles. The previous version had over 5,000 users and mapped nearly 10,000 encounters with paywalled research.

The new apps are available both for mobile phones and web browsers, and can be downloaded at

Learn more.