Worth a Look: Sarapis Non-Profit, Free/Libre/Open Source (FLO) Solutions to Local Challenges — A NYC Change Agent

#OSE Open Source Everything, Worth A Look

Sarapis | What

  FLO projects make their source materials freely accessible to the public at no cost & with few, if any, restrictions.

What’s the Problem?

Technological advancements lead to increases in productivity that are supposed to lead to increases in wealth. But for the vast majority of Americans, real wealth has actually been decreasing over the last 30 years. So where is all the new wealth going?

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Sepp Hasslberger: Beautiful Woven Refugee Tents Get Their Power from the Sun Read more: Beautiful Woven Refugee Tents Get Their Power from the Sun

01 Poverty, 06 Family, Design, Materials, Resilience, United Nations & NGOs
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

Beautiful Woven Refugee Tents Get Their Power from the Sun

Designer Abeer Seikaly has developed a practical yet elegant solution to the need for lightweight, mobile, and structurally sound shelters for disaster zones.

The Canadian-Jordanian's Weaving a Home project not only provides flexible, transportable shelter, but also incorporates water collection, solar power generation and solar water heating into the design.

Each tent has its own water collection system, utilizing the natural channels formed by the skin to direct water to the storage point. By using a fabric with strong thermal properties, the tents can alsoconvert solar radiation into power and heat collected water for showering.

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Click on Image to Enlarge

Jon Ramer: Nashville Compassion Games

Culture, P2P / Panarchy
Jon Ramer
Jon Ramer

OK.  Day Two of the Compassion Games: Survival of the Kindest is happening and we have crossed into new territory.

Here is a beautiful example of how a community — Nashville — can embrace the Compassion Games to raise the spirit and commitment to compassion in action.  Check out the TV coverage, the theme song and how they are embracing putting compassion into action. This is a dream we share coming true. There are over 175 teams participating in this years games!
This challenges the Compassion Games in new ways —  be in appreciation and amplification of what these communities are doing…. people like Dina Capitani are the Compassion All-Stars that we serve….  please give this some thought…. building a platform like this opens up tremendous possibilities for collective impact.  What do you think about this?  Are you are working on Mission Two as a Secret Agent? Game on!

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Finn Jackson: Can Monasteries Be a Model for Reclaiming Tech Culture for Good?

Governance, Innovation, P2P / Panarchy
Finn Jackson
Finn Jackson

This article describes an initiative more in line with the approach I would take:

“find a place with unmet needs and unused space to lend a building to a group of young hackers. Live together cheaply, building open-source infrastructure for the commons. Repeat until it becomes a network.”

Can Monasteries Be a Model for Reclaiming Tech Culture for Good?

Nathan Schneider

The Nation, 27 August 2014

hristian monasticism began in earnest in the fourth century CE, just after Constantine made Jesus Christ the official god of Rome. No longer persecuted, believers who craved a holiness less compromised by empire fled to the desert and set up communes. These monastics came to wield power in their own right, putting on display a more strenuous, radical faith. Their successors became Europe's chief scholars and inventors and also served as guardians for the technology of writing.

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Jean Lievens: Gerry Mooney on Open Scotland — Hybrid Grassroots Activism Empowered by Social Media

03 Economy, 11 Society, Crowd-Sourcing, Governance, Politics
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Social media and grassroots activism have taken Scotland to the brink of independence

Gerry Mooney

The Conversation, 8 September 2014


If you wanted an explanation for the momentum that has carried the Yes campaign to the brink of victory in the Scottish referendum, you have to look at what’s happening on the ground. The extent to which the independence referendum has engaged and mobilised people during the campaign is palpable.

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Yet as tends to be forgotten, the pro-independence movement also includes The Scottish Green Party; The Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; The Scottish Socialist Party; the socialist party Solidarity; Women For Independence; the artists and creatives group National Collective and the socialist Radical Independence Campaign. Yes Scotland is a loose amalgam and umbrella of different pro-independence groups and individuals. A significant number of front-line activists campaigning under the Yes Scotland banner represent ordinary people with no party political membership. Some have never been involved in political activism before.

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The demarcation between professional politicians and this grassroots mobilisation of ordinary people appears to be blurred in this contemporary Scottish political landscape. It is evident that a hybrid movement has emerged within the campaign, which according to Tommy Sheridan “dwarfs the anti-poll tax campaign” that he led in the late 1980s.

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The opportunity to build a new Scotland free from nuclear weapons, austerity and welfare cuts has widespread appeal. It is this concern with social justice and welfare that has galvanised support for Yes.

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Robert Steele: OSE Book Language Rights Now Mine, Seeking Publishers and Volunteers for All Languages

#OSE Open Source Everything
Robert David STEELE Vivas
Robert David STEELE Vivas

The below letter from North Atlantic Books reverts all foreign language rights less Rumanian back to me.

The book is going to a second printing on the strength of The Guardian profile by Dr. Nafeez Ahmed, and it has been agreed that reverting the rights to me and going for foreign translations by volunteers — but commercial endeavors are not excluded — will be helpful to the Open Source Everything movement.

NAB to Steele OSE Manifesto Foreign Rights Reversion

Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Spanish is well underway with a US citizen in Bolivia managing the over-all effort, and two Argentine citizens working on four chapters between them.

French via Quebec and Chinese via a US citizen in Beijing are under discussion. I intend to begin posting machine translations shortly as full text foreign language (this explicitly avoids the easier option of posting the book in English for easy Google translation into any of multiple languages. My intent is to honor the publisher's control of the English version, and the magnificent editorial influence of Kathy Green, while spreading the Manifesto as widely as possible via other languages.

OSE Eight VennIf you would like to translate one or more chapters into any language, with full credit for individual translators and chapters published as they become available, please send an email to me, robert.david.steele.vivas [at] gmail [dot] com. I am also allowed to sell foreign rights, there my intent would be to sell the rights to the hard copy to a commercial publisher, with the online version being free to the public. Anyone orchestrating such a deal would earn 20% of all funds over the life of the deal.

See Also:

Open Source Everything Manifesto Home Page

Robert Steele: UMD Does It Again – Graphene-Based Light Detector Can “See” Much That Has Been Hidden

#OSE Open Source Everything, Design, Innovation
Robert Steele
Robert Steele

The University of Maryland is a national treasure, one I consider the equal of MIT in part because it is much more focused on practical needs. Many possibilities in the way of innovative technology have been repressed these past decades by proprietary interests, while others have remained undiscovered due to biases and short-comings in research that has not been fully multidisciplinary. The times they are a'changing. Human-centric innovation and multidisciplinary innovation — including smart design informed by true cost economics (supply intelligence), holistic analytics (demand intelligence) and open source everything (engineering intelligence) — are going to accelerate positive developments in academia, the economy, governance, and society.

New graphene-based light detector can unearth everything hidden

This is going to be a new development. New graphene-based light detector can unearth everything hidden

Terahertz radiation can be brought to market with the help of a new detector. Terahertz radiation is a type of light with far longer wavelengths compared to infrared rays and may be helpful in examining almost everything very effectively.

Researchers have concluded that this latest graphene-based light detector may be able to calculate wavelengths of light that human eye may not see.

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