Reimagining Regulation for the Age of AI:
New Zealand Pilot Project
Reimagining Regulation for the Age of AI:
New Zealand Pilot Project
As usual, leftist ideas fail miserably.
I'm one of the few brave souls in the American media who warned and advised from day one (back in early March 2020) not to lock down the American people or the economy.
I argued the following:
*That lockdowns wouldn't stop COVID-19, because you can't stop a virus.
*That there was never a reason to lock down everyone. Anyone relatively young or healthy never had a reason to fear death from COVID. The survival rate has been reported at 99%, especially for anyone relatively healthy under the age of 65.
Read full article HERE
Comedian Bill Maher used his HBO show once again to highlight some awkward ‘facts' and ask some uncomfortable questions about media and politicians approach to COVID.
He rightly decries the politicization of medicine and the manner in which the media has been a handmaiden of panic throughout. Let us hope that his monologue, transcript below, is a foreshadowing of what will soon emerge as the conventional wisdom.
See video and article HERE at ZeroHedge.
The public has been fed an endless stream of attacks upon conspiracy theories, which, we are told, are supposed to be very bad for human beings and other living things. But precisely why is almost never explained. And when you consider that our political parties and the mainstream media indulge themselves in conspiracy theories, such as the claim that Russia interfered with the 2016 election (otherwise Donald Trump could never have been elected) or, alternatively, that Dominion voting machines were used to steal the election of 2020 (and otherwise could not have been defeated) are, in the first instance, promoted by the media (in spite of virtually no evidence at all) and, in the second, denied thereby (in spite of massive supporting proof). Both are conspiracy theories, where one appears to be true and the other appears to be false.
See full article HERE
After New York City was decimated by COVID-19 and the oppressive job-killing policies pushed by its Democrat leaders the party is bleeding members. According to reports, NYC Democrats are leaving the Democrat Party behind in favor of joining the Republican Party.
See the full article HERE
Exploration of three-dimensional patterns inspired by mathematical experience of interrelationship
See links for table of contents below fold
Emergence of a pantheon — cognitive or otherwise
Pantheons as patterns of cognitive N-foldness
Pantheon dynamics in a globalized semi-secular civilization?
Mathematical theology enabling the quest for a meta-pattern?
Complex equations forming “pantheons” of mathematical experience?
Polyhedra suggestive of arrays of requisite variety of pantheons in 3D
Configuring the 64 subjects of mathematics as a 64-edged drilled truncated cube
Exploring potential dynamics within a pantheon?
Engendering and navigating pantheons — “angelic” and “demonic”?
Pantheon as a psychosocial “O-ring” — speculatively understood?
Social media is combining algorithms that manipulate searches and polling results with Zionist-defined “hate speech” and related trolls attacking anyone daring to speak the truth about anything of substance; with dictionaries such as these that are nothing more or less that censorship guides — forbidden language, forbidden thought.
See dictionary of words HERE