Michel Bauwens: Douglas Rushkoff Overview of the Collaborative Economy

Economics/True Cost
Michel Bauwens

Archive for ‘P2PF/Orange Report’: Synthetic overview of the collaborative economy full appendixes

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Rushkoff on “Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy Report”

“There is no longer any excuse to remain ignorant of the vast peer-to-peer landscape that is slowly but surely replacing the obsolete, monopolistic, and competitive institutions of yesterday. This authoritative survey of the emerging collaborative economy may shock businesspeople and scare bankers, but it sure encourages me.”

– Dr. Douglas Rushkoff – author, Life Inc and Program or Be Programmed.

This month we have been serialising the report “Synthetic overview of the collaborative economy”, coproduced by Orange Labs and the P2P Foundation.  All posts on the report and the serialised chapters can be found here and there is a lively discussion over on facebook too!

Download the full report here.

Phi Beta Iota:  Governments are failed systems, whatever their intentions.  We are moving away from predatory capitalism that thrives on information asymmetries, and toward a moral collaborative economy that not only thrives on shared information, but reveals true costs and lowers all costs.  Michel Bauwens and Douglas Rushkoff are two of the foremost pioneers in this arena.

See Also:

Phi Beta Iota / Michel Bauwens

Schwartz Report: Building Small — Economies of Number

Economics/True Cost

Public release date: 2-Nov-2012   .   Contact: Evan Nowell   .   egn2109@columbia.edu   .   Columbia Business School


Building small: In many industries, economies of size is shifting to economies of numbers

NEW YORK — November 2, 2012 — For decades, “bigger is better” has been the conventional path to efficiency in industries ranging from transportation to power generation. Food once grown on small family plots now comes overwhelmingly from factory farms. Vessels that carried 2,000 tons of cargo have been replaced by modern container ships that routinely move 150,000 tons. But now, new research shows, we are on the cusp of a radical shift from building big to building small—a change that has profound implications for both established and emerging industries.

Continue reading “Schwartz Report: Building Small — Economies of Number”

Michel Bauwens: Why Open Access is Critical for the Future of Science

Michel Bauwens

Open Access Explained!

(YouTube 8:23)

Robin Good: Few people today are aware of how much scientific knowledge is being restricted and not made accessible to everyone, thanks to existing business model and the exorbitant subscription prices that scientific journals and magazines charge to their subscribers.   Since such journals are the key medium through which scientists can get their work published and distributed widely, the least accessible are these journals, the greater the amount of people who will not be able to read what such research documents contain.  Nick Shockey and Jonathan Eisen provide an in-depth explanation of why “open access” in the case of scientific papers is so critical for our future.  Includes facts on journal subscriptions costing thousands and yet having nothing to do with the original research effort and cost.

(Thanks to Ana Cristina Pratas for unearthing this one).


Eagle: From Italy, A Proposal to End the Concept of a Permanent Civil Service


300 Million Talons…

One single indicator of democracy

When the culture is held closed by a coven of monopolists, the truth is methodically marginalized and the various phenomena of life become incomprehensible. The confusion slowly grows until it become unbearable. Just like today. For example, to determine the degree of democracy of a Country, we use several dozen of indicators, whose very large number and variety prevent us from grasping the essential concept of democracy and therefore the way it can be properly implemented.

Yet all things, even the most complex, once well broken up and assimilated, can be conducted to a basic grade of simplicity that let us much easier to cope with life. Thus, in front of the many complex methods used to know the level of democracy of a Country, there exists a single indicator able to determine, with numerical precision, the percentage of democracy actually enjoyed and to conduct to determine its quality with the most resolvent definition.

Continue reading “Eagle: From Italy, A Proposal to End the Concept of a Permanent Civil Service”

Dolphin: Obama’s Katrina On Top Of Obama’s Dead Ambassador?


The contrast between Obama's platitudes and his being in Las Vegas, and the 3 million out of power, gas, heat, food, and water is stark.  Benghazi is not quite a Tehran Embassy take-over, but in today's climate, with an apparent cover-up underway, it's close.

Exasperation builds on Day 3 in storm-stricken NYC

NEW YORK (AP) — Frustration — and in some cases fear — mounted in New York City on Thursday, three days after Superstorm Sandy. Traffic backed up for miles at bridges, large crowds waited impatiently for buses into Manhattan, and tempers flared in gas lines.

Read rest of article.

Obama's Katrina

Gas lines that extend for hours.   .   Dumpster diving.   .   People starving — in New York City.   .   Sean Hannity pegged it exactly.   .   Two words: Obama's Katrina.

Phi Beta Iota:  Completely apart from the heavy investment the Republicans have made in assuring their ability to control how the centralized electronic votes are counted, especially in the swing states, Obama has taken a one-two punch: Benghazi is clearly a cover-up at this time, most likely of political leadership failure with respect to sending reinforcements and air cover, on top of Department of State insouciance about Benghazi security; and there are 3 million pissed off mostly white people who are cold, thirsty, hungry, and immobile.  Early voting is not going well for Obama.  The Republicans are not only poised to beef up the House and possibly take the Senate, but Romney is looking like a comfortable win.  Karl Rove and his Perot-like small white boards appears to be the tip of an extremely expensive, extremely well-organized coup.  Obama has lost his base and in our collective view, also lost his face.


Yoda: 100 Terabits Per Second with Coiled Beams of Light

Got Crowd? BE the Force!


Coiled Beams Of Light Send 100 Terabits Per Second Through The Air

Engineers could use the technology to produce the fastest Internet ever.

By twisting light beams, engineers could produce the fastest Internet ever. Today, for the speediest broadband, fiber-optic cables transmit information in pulses of light. Since the early 2000s, physicists have been working to make data travel even faster by bouncing light off a liquid crystal to twist it. Several coiled beams can nest within one another and move through the same space at the same time.

Read full article with two illustrations.

See Also:

George Olah CO2 to Renewable Methanol Plant, Reykjanes, Iceland

Tip of the Hat to Mark Thompson at Google+.