Search: open education / digital learning [as of 30 Oct 2012]

Education, Searches
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Open education has at least three components:  free access to learning resources; digital access to formerly analog learning resoources (e.g. instructors in classrooms); and learning accomplishment validation (becoming common) or credentialing (rare at this time).  More broadly defined, open education is “root” for any society desiring to be both democratic and prosperous.  Open education has not made the transition to Open Source Everything, but needs to do so — open education along with open books (businesses with public charters), open data, open government, open repositories and open science, all need the other opens in order to be agile, inter-operable, and scalable in an affordable and sustainable manner.  The stakeholders within the legacy education domain are largely afraid, ignorant, and in opposition to change.  They must be embraced, informed, and led.  “Open” is a meme, a mind-set, and a method.  It is a seed crystal for a local to global holistic approach to education, intelligence, and research — three domains that must be integrated — and the foundation for open civil society, open commerce, open government, open law enforcement, open media, open military, and open non-government/non-profit.

NOTE:  This search response does not include Open Access, Open Knowledge and all the other opens that enable and are themselves empowered by Open Education.

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Search: openbts [as of 30 Oct 2012]

BTS (Base Transciever Station), Searches

OpenBTS stands for Open Base Transciever Station.  It is the foundation for free cellular service and Internet access.  Ham radio operators were the first hackers, with active government repression until the government finally got a brain on this issue — ignorance always leads people with power lacking in integrity to do stupid things.  Now OpenBTS is the “root” open (see a list of most but not all opens below) and is a vital part of creating the Autonomous Internet, providing a grid for Liberation Technology, and making possible the creation of the World Brain and Global Game that unleaches the brain entrepreneurship of the five billion poor whose annual aggregate income is four trillion dollars, four times that of the one billion rich.

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$250 Device Global Maps & Text Messages

CONNECT First, the Collective Intelligence Will Happen Naturally

Freedom Box Reflections

Graphic: M4IS2 OpenBTS, Call Centers, Diasphora

John Robb: OpenBTS Village Base Station

Kickstart the Freedom Box–Micro-Giving Rocks!

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Mini-Me: Do-It-Yourself Cell Phones – A Tipping Point for Humanity

OpenBSC & OpenBTS

OpenBTS at Burning Man: Best Full Story

OpenBTS Egypt — Need to Flesh Out OpenBTS USA

OpenBTS GSM Simplified — Freeing Humanity

OpenMoko, OpenBTS, Free Your Phone & Humanity

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Range Networks: The ONLY OpenBTS Real Deal

Reference: OpenBTS Open Access Cellular Ham Hack

Reference: OpenMoko Mobile Open SW & HW

Reference: Open Source Everything – List

Search: how to use openbts in individual phones

Search: self made mobile device

UN Declares Internet Access a Human Right…

UN + Start-Up Seek to Get Poor Online with Cell Numbers

Big Picture Implications of OpenBTS:

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Yoda: Open Virginia – Open and Digital Learning Resources Conference

Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Welcome to site for Virginia’s inaugural Open and Digital Learning Resources Conference that will be held on March 7th, 2013 at the University of Mary Washington. The broad theme for this year’s conference is OpenVA, and encourages all state institutions of higher ed in Virginia to confront the possibilities and challenges of open education experiences and resources.

The Open and Digital Learning Resources Conference is an initiative of the Office of Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV), the Virginia Community College System, and a list of partner institutions you can find here.

This space will be updated regularly with conference news. In the short term, registration and online submission of proposals is now available on this site.

See Also:

Open Source Everything 500 words 1.4

Below the line: complete description.

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Michel Bauwens: Open Knowledge Production and Exchange of Local Content in Local Languages

Michel Bauwens

Open Knowledge: Production and Exchange of Local Content in Local Languages

Open Knowledge means a set of methodologies and principles that are related to both the distribution and the production of different knowledge works. In this context it is important to mention that the production as well as the distribution of knowledge works occurs in an open manner. The general term ‘knowledge’ is defined to include data such as historical, geographic and scientific information, content such as books, films and music, different topics such as for instance cars, plissee, nature, poetry, etc. and also general information that are produced by governmental or other administrative authorities.

There exist a number of different initiatives such as the so-called Open Knowledge Network that defend and stand up for the general protection, production and exchange of local content in local languages. The Open Knowledge Network operates as a human network in parts of Africa, South Asia and Latin America – strictly speaking the whole network is active across the South in order to collect, support, disseminate and share local knowledge. In this context it should be stressed that the Open Knowledge Network is supported by a variety of flexible information and communication technologies.

The Open Knowledge Network is designed on seven basic principles which are based on intensive and complex research. The seven principles and methodologies are the following ones:

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Eagle: Green Party Presidential Nominee Hand-Cuffed and Detained for Eight Hours After Seeking to Enter Two-Party Presidential Debate

300 Million Talons…

Green Party Candidates Arrested, Shackled to Chairs For 8 Hours After Trying to Enter Hofstra Debate

Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein and vice-presidential candidate Cheri Honkala were arrested Tuesday as they attempted to enter the grounds of the presidential debate site at Hofstra University. Like other third-party candidates, Stein was blocked from participating in the debate by the Commission on Presidential Debates, which is controlled by the Republican and Democratic parties. Stein and Honkala were held for eight hours, handcuffed to chairs. As she was being arrested, Stein condemned what she called “this mock debate, this mockery of democracy.” Just hours after being released, Stein joins us in the Democracy Now! studio. [includes rush transcript]

Phi Beta Iota:  Watch video and read the full transcript — 13 officers to keep two women handcuffed to their chairs for eight hours.  They made two important points: that the two-party system bars all others from participation; and that the League of Women Voters should return as the trusted moderator of open debates.

Yoda: Pirate Party Open Project to Reduce Terrorist Use of the Internet

Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Interesting, this is.

Clean IT: Pirates publish counter-terrorism information

After much controversy surrounding the european project “Clean IT”, the Pirate Party Switzerland (“PPS”) and the Pirate Party Luxembourg (“Piraten”) were able to make an exclusive arrangement with the involved parties and will publish the current draft of the project on the website starting 18h00 on October 28 (today).

The aim of the Pirate Parties, in cooperation with the project organizers, is to increase the transparency of the process and enable the possiblity for citizens to influence the project. In order to allow every citizen to participate in the discussions the Pirate Parties from Switzerland and Luxembourg managed to create an exclusive platform where critics and supporters alike can comment on the current draft of the Clean IT Project.

“This openness and possibility to participate in the discussions is a milestone in transparency for security related projects.” says Pascal Gloor, Vice-President of the Pirate Party Switzerland and member of the Clean IT project group. “The project coordinators learned from the mistakes made during the ACTA negotiations and were surprised by the violent reactions concerning the leak of the outdated draft. They decided therefore to follow the recommendations of the Pirate Parties and agreed to the creation of the discussion platform

The text was made available to the Pirate Parties for publication on the platform to encourage a broad public discussion and european-wide participation. “On the one hand participation and transparency in the decision-making process creates trust in the resulting acts and on the other hand the feedback from european citizens increases the quality of the proposal – it's a win-win situation for all involved parties!” says Sven Clement, President of the Pirate Party Luxembourg.

Both parties salute this attempt to implement new ways for citizen feedback and are convinced that the success of the CleanIT platform will encourage other project organizers to use open and transparent processes starting from the early stages of the discussions.

Phi Beta Iota:  Who would have thought that open source software and an open source mind-set would prove more effective at cleansing the Internet of vile users?

Greg Palast: YouTube (30:37) 30 Minutes on Forthcoming US Election Theft 5.9 Million Votes Slated to “Vanish”

Greg Palast

Phi Beta Iota:  Three months prior to the 2000 elections in the USA, Greg Palast broke the story on Florida disenfranchising tens of thousands of voters in predominantly Democratic precincts.  Now his new book and the underlying investigations have focused on Bain Capital buying and managing the voting machines in several state, and how the “vanishing votes” in Iowa was a dry run and also blew Rick Santorum out of the race and made Mitt Romney the finalist.  Palast also discusses the Koch Brothers and the focus on Senate races — system is not necessarily going to assure a Romney victory, but will focus also on specific races that will further gains in the House and secure the Senate.  Film includes fascinating account of discussion with Hugo Chavez on why he supports electoral reform in the USA.  Concludes that the billionaires do not care who is in office as long as they are obligated to them.  Billionaires do not manipulate the vote to steal elections, but rather to steal billions — they want to manipulate the financial environment to their continuing benefit.  Exceelent comments on Goldman Sachs driving US economic policy under Bill Clinton — Robert Rubin and Larry Summers.  Two major trends billionaires are focusing on are taxes and international trade flows.  Passing comments on how Romney moves jobs to China and profits to tax havens.  Banks backing Obama, hedge fund vultures backing Romney, banks concerned about vultures collapsing the world economy and not realizing how close they are to a non-recoverable collapse.  Argentina is a target now — vultures contemplating how to literally explode the country, harvest profits, and leave the carcass.  Nevada, Missouri, Arizona tight Senate races, massive vote anticipated.  Next look at Chinese money in US elections.  Because of Citizens United, with $20, incorporate in Delaware, and you can funnel as much money into US elections as you want.

Greg Palast: Get Ready for Massive Voter Fraud

Joel Skousen sits down with Alex Jones and discusses strategies on how to prepare for and survive major disasters.

Found by Berto Jongman.

See Also:

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