Sepp Hasslberger: User-Owned Networks

Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

User owned networks – direct connection between users and internet access through pooling resources…

PittMesh routers are owned by individuals

If you have wireless networking equipment in your home that is capable of communicating with your neighbor's equipment, why not just communicate directly with them? PittMesh is a new community-owned wireless network that runs OpenWrt, a widely supported, well documented, open source firmware for embedded systems like WiFi routers. PittMesh routers are owned by individuals and configured in a way that make them work together to build a larger, decentralized network. The project was started by a wireless networking non-profit called Meta Mesh and has been developed by a world-wide coalition of programmers for well over a decade.  Read more.

Berto Jongman: Open Science – the Future?

Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Open science: the future of research?

If we want to eradicate diseases in the developing world, increase innovation in the pharmaceutical industry and speed up the discovery of new medicines we need to share research, writes Alice Williamson.

…the ‘six laws' of open research:

  • All data are open and all ideas are shared for others to use, modify and share
  • Anyone can take part at any level
  • There will be no patents
  • Suggestions are the best form of criticism
  • Public discussion is much more valuable than private email
  • An open project is bigger than, and is not owned by, any given lab

Stephen E. Arnold: A Non-Profit Search Engine

Data, Design, Knowledge, Software
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

A Not-For-Profit Search Engine? That’s So Crazy It Just Might Work

The Common Search Project has a simple and straightforward mission statement. They want a nonprofit search engine, an alternative to the companies currently running the Internet (ahem, Google.) They are extremely polite in their venture, but also firmly invested in three qualities for the search engine that they intend to build and run: openness, transparency, and independence. The core values include,

“Radical transparency. Our search results must be explainable and reproducible. All our code is open source and results are generated only using publicly available data. Transparency also extends to our governance, finances and day-to-day operations.

Independence. No single person, company or special interest must be able to influence the order of our search results to their benefit. …

Public service. We want to build and operate a free service targeted at a large, mainstream audience.”

Read full post.

Stephen E. Arnold: An Open Source Search Engine to Experiment With

Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

An Open Source Search Engine to Experiment With

Apache Lucene receives the most headlines when it comes to discussion about open source search software.  My RSS feed pulled up another open source search engine that shows promise in being a decent piece of software.  Open Semantic Search is free software that cane be uses for text mining, analytics, a search engine, data explorer, and other research tools.  It is based on Elasticsearch/Apache Solrs’ open source enterprise search.  It was designed with open standards and with a robust semantic search.

Royal Danish Defence College: Official Minutes from Seminar on Open Source Intelligence, 19 April 2016

#OSE Open Source Everything

royal danish defence collegeMinutes from Royal Danish Defence College Seminar on Open Source Intelligence, 19. April 2016.

The Seminar on Open Source Intelligence at the Royal Danish Defence College, Tuesday 19th April 2016 has now come to an end. From a hosting perspective, we consider the event as being very successful. We had more than 140 participants with very diverse professional associations and backgrounds, ranging from Defence, Police, Academia, the private sector, and others. There were four key speakers (Mr. Robert David Steele, USA; Maj. Sebastian Hébert, CAN; Capt. Bradley Grimm, USA and Mr. Jonas Alastair Juhlin, DEN) that addressed the subject from four different perspectives adding scope and depth to the general value of the seminar. We also held two fruitful iterations of discussions in smaller groups. It is the findings from these discussions that are summarized into main findings in this text with the purpose of facilitating knowledge sharing among yourselves – the participants:

Continue reading “Royal Danish Defence College: Official Minutes from Seminar on Open Source Intelligence, 19 April 2016”

Sepp Hasslberger: Why Free Money Beats Bullshit Jobs

Economics/True Cost, Money
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

Eliminate the bullshit jobs and we'll finally get some real, useful work done…

Why free money beats bullshit jobs

The universal basic income is an idea whose time has comeAnd, slowly but surely, it is converting members of the tech elite.

Phi Beta Iota: Buckminster Fuller was the first to say that most jobs are not worth the petrol used in their commute. Most jobs are a way of keeping the serfs occupied so they do not revolt and burn down the banks. The times, they are a'changing.