Ralph Nader: Trump the Nightmare for Both Wings of the Two-Party Tyranny

Access, Cultural Intelligence
Ralph Nader
Ralph Nader

Ralph Nader: Trump Is a Nightmare for the Republican Party


Nader believes Trump’s boldness is a “nightmare” for the Republican Party. “By being brazen, Trump is punctuating the progressive agenda — the progressive critique of big business, Wall Street over Main Street… I’ve always said the only people who can break up a two party tyranny that stifles the voices of small parties and independent candidates are billionaires, and we’ve got one called Trump,” he said.

“A breath of fresh air … and gaff-proof.”  But “he could still self-destruct.”

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Worth a Look: The Swing Vote – The Untapped Power of Independents

Access, Cultural Intelligence
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Do half of Americans stand on the right and the other half on the left with a no-man’s-land between them? Hardly. Forty percent of all American voters are Independents who occupy the ample political and ideological space in the center. These Americans are anything but divided, and they’re being ignored. These Independents make up the largest voting bloc in the nation and have determined the outcome of every election since World War II. Every year their numbers grow, as does the unconscionable disconnect between them and the officials who are supposed to represent them.

Killian paints a vivid portrait of the swing voters around the country and presents a new model that reveals who they are and what they want from their government and elected officials. She also offers a way forward, including solutions for fixing our broken political system. This is not only a timely shot across the bows of both parties but an impassioned call to Independents to bring America back into balance.

Bernie Sanders: The GOP Debate Tweet of Tweets


Sen. Bernie Sanders“It's over. Not one word about economic inequality, climate change, Citizens United or student debt,” Sanders (I-Vt.) tweeted as the two-hour-long debate wrapped up. “That’s why the Rs are so out of touch.”

Phi Beta Iota: Kudos for Fox for tough questions, but Senator Sanders is correct — all the major serious issues were left out of this first debate. HOWEVER, Senator Sanders is also a hypocrit — he offers platitudes in these areas but is absolutely committed to the maintenance of the existing dysfunctional two-party system. The difference between Trump and Sanders is clear: Trump is willing to break from the two-party tyranny, Sanders is not.

Matt Taibbi: In the Age of Trump, Will Democrats Sell Out More, or Less?

Access, Ethics, Government
Matt Taibbi
Matt Taibbi

In the Age of Trump, Will Democrats Sell Out More, Or Less?

The collapse of the GOP gives the Democrats an opportunity to abandon “lesser evilism” — but they probably won't


The Democrats could take this godsend of a Trump situation and use it as an opportunity to finally have a healthy primary season debate about what they want to stand for in the future. But nah to that. They'll probably just hoover donor cash and use press surrogates to bash progressives the way they always have. Trump or no Trump, if politicians don't have to work for your vote, they won't.

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IVN: No Party Preference — and Not Voting: Latinos and Asian-Americans


IVNWhy Aren’t The Two Fastest Growing Demographics in Calif. Voting?

Only one in three eligible voters cast a ballot in the 2014 general election to elect all the statewide offices, congressional representatives and approve initiatives, a record low. But, for two of California’s fastest growing groups, the numbers are even more troubling.

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