Review: The God Delusion

4 Star, Culture, DVD - Light, Misinformation & Propaganda, Religion & Politics of Religion, Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution
God Delusion
Amazon Page

4.0 out of 5 stars Five for Science, Three for Humanities, Four on Balance

January 17, 2008

Richard Dawkins

I have seen this argument so many times over the past 40 years; it's as if each new generation has to condemn God to find its own soul. I myself wrote a poem in college once, “Our Father, who art in hell….” You can imagine the sophomoric rest.

There are so many other reviews, I want to use this space to highlight three ideas, point to one posted image, and link to several books that demonstrate that Mike Huckabee has it exactly right: we need God (not the high priests that steal our money to live lavishly) as a foundation for the community of man, as an absolute measure of our morality.

Idea #1: God is or should be a moral standard. Fundamentalists of any stripe that claim to be the sole religion, calling all others unbelievers or heathen or worse, are nothing more than a cult.

Idea #2: Religions are bad in so far as they incite hatred toward others or enrich a few at enormous cost to the many. We do not need intermediaries nor do we need interpreters. God loves us all (including Adolph Hitler and Dick Cheney) and God's love is immutable. We are what we are, and within God's love, we must simply strive to be better, longer.

Idea #3: Engineers and scientists have a very hard time understanding any constructive role for religion. E. O. Wilson has answered the question, “why do the sciences need the humanities,” and I will sum it up in one word: Humanitas. There is a spiritual, artistic, ethical, quantum aspect to life that is often best explained through either myths or conventions.

Here are ten books that have informed my appreciation for God, whom I found again, very strongly in my life, six months ago, when everything started going in the direction that I had been struggling to achieve for twenty years, not for myself, but for my children and the future of life.

01 The Complete Conversations with God (Boxed Set) The Bible is useful as a point of departure. It is not a substitute for being right with God, direct.

02 The Lessons of History Morality is a strategic asset of incalculable proportions (a Nobel Prize was awarded in the 1990's to a man who proved that trust lowers the cost of doing business).

03 The Left Hand of God: Taking Back Our Country from the Religious Right Rabbi Lerner's book touched me deeply. God is code for compassion, for doing the right thing, for avoiding partisan and fanatic differentiation.

04 God's Politics LP Buy this used, I hope it is reprinted. Religion is like a gun–it is the person who chooses between an exclusive “true believer” role that is hateful, or an inclusive compassion that is respectful of all. I end my review saying he has my vote for Chaplain to the Nation.

05 Faith-Based Diplomacy: Trumping Realpolitik The author is a Navy Captain (O-6) Retired, I know him, and he taught me that faith is a tangible value that can be demonstrated in a peaceful respectful manner, and doing so yields enormous dividends when negotiating or interacting with those whose faith is strong but different.

06 Thank God for Evolution!: How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will Transform Your Life and Our World This is a joyous and worthy celebration of how to deconflict religion and science.

07 Dogs of God: Columbus, the Inquisition, and the Defeat of the Moors I am often shocked by how little the average American knows of history, to include our genocide of the Native Americans, the Puritan exorcism of women as witches, the Catholic Church's inquisition, the crusades, and their all too eager collaboration with the Nazis in administering the Holocaust. This book is as good as any for reflection in that direction.

08 The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History Howard Bloom is a friend, and also the author of Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Century. I learned from the latter book that a human brain “locks down” by the age of 30 or so, and whatever good or evil thoughts have been introduced to that mind, are there to stay. He anticipated the Sunni Shi'ite wars (Iran, which is Persian, and the Iraqi Shi'ites, are terrified because they are surrounded by extremist Sunnis led by Saudi Arabia which the US is stupidly arming, and Pakistan, which has the SUNNI bomb, as well as Egypt and Syria, two of the bloodier dictatorships in that region: remember, CIA put the Shah into power, overturning a democratic election in Iran. See also my review of Web of Deceit.

09 Good Muslim, Bad Muslim: America, the Cold War, and the Roots of Terror There are so many other books I could recommend, but Amazon limits us to ten. See also Looming Tower, The Fifty Year Wound, Sorrow's of Empire, and Wilson's Ghost as well as the DVD Why We Fight. The bottom line is that the US Government and its secret intelligence agencies (I've done it all across that world) are inherently pro-dictator (see Ambassador Mark Palmer's Breaking The Real Axis of Evil: How to Oust the World's Last Dictators by 2025. There are 44 dictators remaining, 42 of them are best friends with Bush-Cheney, and of the remaining two, North Korea and Cuba, both are benign in my view, and Cuba has a great deal to teach us about sustainable agriculture, full employment, and free public health care. I have no patience for demagogues, and pray for the day when we can restore the Constitution, the Republic, We the People as sovereign, and Thomas Jefferson's original vision of commerce and peace.

10 American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America is the top book on the evil that is represented by cult-like fundamentalist movements whose preachers can be (not all) hypocritical miscreants who favor homosexuals and drugs when traveling at our expense. American Theocracy and Tempting Faith also fall into this last category, useful for understanding where religion went wrong.

America is in a desperate condition right now because We the People forgot that democracy requires our constant tending–a Republic, if you can keep it. When we allowed the Democratic and Republican parties to disenfranchise the League of Women Voters so they could shut out third, fourth, and fifth parties; when we allowed the FBI to ignore Steve Emerson's PBS special in 1994 on imams on US territory calling for the murder of Americans and the overthrow of the secular government; when we allowed Jeb Bush to disenfranchise 35,000 to 50,000 people of color in Florida, with a brilliant exposure THREE MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION, and Al Gore chose to “go along” with this “reasonable dishonesty” so as to reap wealth and celebrity (rather than being shunned for spoiling the party), We the People gave up our Republic.

The image I am loading says it all. That is where a number of us are headed, and we carry God with us in mind and heart and spirit. Most churches and non-profits are nothing more than scams to separate the sheep from their money. Free men, real men, *are* God to the extent that they respect the brotherhood of man, follow the Golden Rule, and respect the Ten Commandments, which are the most helpful guide possible for life in a complex society.

A note on Mike Huckabee: he represents faith in a good way, not the evil way that Cheney harnessed and then dismissed. Mike Huckabee has a vision for a return to a Christian, family-oriented Republic. I share that vision.

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Review: Kids Who Kill–Confronting Our Culture of Violence

5 Star, Culture, DVD - Light, Politics, Religion & Politics of Religion
Kids Who Kill
Amazon Page
5.0 out of 5 stars 1998, the most earnest book (his first), January 5, 2008

January 5, 2008

Mike Huckabee

I bought four of Governor Huckabee's books, and spent much of Sunday going through them. I've decided to do one review posted four times, to provide anyone visiting one of the four books to see four snapshots in one place. I am NOT looking for multiple votes. This is my bottom-line over-all assessment of one of the three people I believe is qualified to b;ring our Nation together, the others being Senator Obama, and Representative Paul, who will not win but could demand electoral reform when Congress returns.

1998,this book, Kids Who Kill, the most earnest. I like this book, very much. The Governor weaves a rich tapesty of a culture of disrespect, too many bad laws, not enough community and faith, and I for one buy into his message: our society has fragmented and we reap what we sow. See also my reviews of:
Rage of the Random Actor: Disarming Catastrophic Acts And Restoring Lives
The Cheating Culture: Why More Americans Are Doing Wrong to Get Ahead

2000, Living Beyond Your Lifetime: How to be Intentional About the Legacy You Leave. I find this book equally earnest, with a very strong consistent appreciation for God and faith and community in faith, for stewardship. Like the first book, I give this one five stars. I now include this book with other positive books on religion, see my reviews of:
GOD'S POLITICS: Why The Right Gets It Wrong & The Left Doesn't Get It (H)
The Left Hand of God: Taking Back Our Country from the Religious Right
Faith-Based Diplomacy: Trumping Realpolitik

2007 Character Makes a Difference: Where I'm From, Where I've Been, and What I Believe
2007 From Hope to Higher Ground: My Vision for Restoring America's Greatness

Both of the above are formula books, somewhat contrived, but earnest and sufficient to come to at least two conclusions:

1) This citizen is not going to let go of God or faith. He is completely different from Milt Romney, whom I consider to be just a little too slick about his Mormon loyalties (CIA officers who were Mormons would fall asleep at their desks because the Mormon church had them up working all night).

2) This is a sincere good man (I based this on seeing him elsewhere as well). I frankly think that he brings the right respect for faith and God, and we need some of that in the White House, not lies and treason documented in Tempting Faith: An Inside Story of Political Seduction and American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America. As an estranged moderate Republican and Methodist, outrages by the crimes committed in our name, I think its time we had a moderate faith in God back in the White House.

The latter book touches on various “mandate for change” issues, and one has to be somewhat dubious on his record, since more than one person from Arkansas has told me they lost income and the schools lost funding during his tenure.

We need change. I'd like to see Mike Huckabee lead a dialog with all congregations on God's Politics, the Left Hand of God, and Faith-Based Golden Rule morality in all our policies at all levels. Barack Obama is energizing the young, but still severely handicapped by his elderly advisors who are out of touch with global reality.

In my view, as a person who cares deeply about the Republic and has spent the last 15 years obsessing on global reality and a strategy for saving the Earth for seven generations and beyond, I would like to see Mike Huckabee being the evangelicals back into the fold, without the attendant lunacy and criminality that characterized the Bush-Cheney White House.

Please do not vote for this review in more than one place.

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Review: Conversations With God–An Uncommon Dialogue (Book 2)

5 Star, Culture, DVD - Light, Religion & Politics of Religion, Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution
God Two
Amazon Page

5.0 out of 5 stars Buy the Individual Books–As a Set, Replace the Bible

October 16, 2007

Neale Donald Walsch

See my review of Conversations with God : An Uncommon Dialogue (Book 1) for comments that apply to all three books. These books as a set replace the Bible as a foundation for Being with God as Community in Heaven on Earth.

Book 2 reiterates the common theme, forget religions, have faith, do love, BE the light.

Fastest way to find God is to find one another–ALL of us.

Fastest way to stop evil and hiding from evil is to tell the truth.

Seek, know, accept, praise, and embrace the truth at all times.

Humanity is ready for a new paradigm of communal belief in goodness. Everything we are experiencing today is an opportunity to remember and restore One from Many.

Religion is the opposite of spirituality.

Soul creates, mind reacts.

Energy at the root of everything.

USA in decline because religions have become falsely righteous and intolerant, divisive.

Lesson of Hitler: group consciousness that speaks of separation and superiority leads to a loss of compassion and virtual genocide.

LOTS of coverage of sex, almost a virtual manual for rediscovering the joy and love that should be the foundation for sex. Enjoy it, don't hide it, don't raise kids to be repressed about it.

Education is a mess, teaching knowledge (rote memorization of the past) instead of wisdom (learning to learn, learning to share). Teaching children WHAT to think instead of HOW to think.

Must teach three core concepts: Awareness, Honesty, Responsibility.

Rudolph Steiner and the Waldorf School are on the right track.

Need to achieve societal shift in consciousness–love, family, unity–at all levels from neighborhood to globe.

As of 1994, we are spending $1 trillion a year on war (while peace and prosperity for all would only cost $230 billion a year according to Medard Gabel and other authorities such as E. O. Wilson).

Eliminate money or make it completely transparent. Money is what allows hoarding, theft, and related evils such as corruption, all of which deprive the community and the commons of optimal stewardship. This resonates with the work of the Natural Capitalism Institute and the Open Money pioneers.

On to Conversations With God : An Uncommon Dialogue (Book #3)

See also
Thank God for Evolution!: How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will Transform Your Life and Our World
Wars of Blood and Faith: The Conflicts That Will Shape the 21st Century
Piety & Politics: The Right-Wing Assault on Religious Freedom
American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America
Religion Gone Bad: The Hidden Dangers of the Christian Right
The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History
Tempting Faith: An Inside Story of Political Seduction
What Kind of Nation: Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, and the Epic Struggle to Create a United States

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Review: Conversations With God–An Uncommon Dialogue (Book #3)

5 Star, Culture, DVD - Light, Religion & Politics of Religion, Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution
God Three
Amazon Page

5.0 out of 5 stars Buy the Individual Books–Replaces the Bible

October 16, 2007

Neale Donald Walsch

See my reviews of Books 1 and 2 for the full context of this excellent work. The set replaces the Bible and other convoluted religious “rule sets” and anecdotes, with a single sensible dialog with God that all of us can achieve. Religions of hate and division are part of the problem and the opposite of spiritual communion of man, one with God in community.
Conversations with God : An Uncommon Dialogue (Book 1)
Conversations With God : An Uncommon Dialogue (Book 2)

Book 3 was harder for me, in part because it deals with the afterlife, rising from the dead, and psychic powers, while I am more focused on the practical challenge of eradicating the ten high-level threats to humanity in the next 20 years.

Still, plenty of food for thought here, and I will probably come back to Book 3 for a second reading at some point.

Key points:

Society that marginalizes the elderly is destined for collapse.

Young should bear children, but they should be raised and taught by the elders.

Highly evolved civilizations understand that sharing is the key to plentitude and peace, and that no actions are shameful, competition is divisive and harmful.

Paradigm IS shifting.

Two basic principles: 1) We are all one; 2) There is Enough for All.

The trinity of body (emotion), mind (logic), and spirit (intuition) is repeatedly stressed. I am constantly reminded by this book of Gandhi's phrase, “be the change you wish to see in the world.”

More on sex, God is sex, sex is love, sex is sharing, sex is union.

Past 100 years has taken Humanity from the 6 yard line to the 12 yard line in relation to a notional 100-year field of possibilities.

On the basis of this book I am also buying and reading:
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Pocketbook Guide to Fulfilling Your Dreams (One Hour of Wisdom)
Conversations with God for Teens

See also:
The Lessons of History
Lost History: Contras, Cocaine, the Press & ‘Project Truth'
Fog Facts: Searching for Truth in the Land of Spin
Weapons of Mass Deception: The Uses of Propaganda in Bush's War on Iraq
The Cheating Culture: Why More Americans Are Doing Wrong to Get Ahead
Vice: Dick Cheney and the Hijacking of the American Presidency

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Review: The Complete Conversations with God

4 Star, Culture, DVD - Light, Religion & Politics of Religion, Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution
God All Three
Amazon Page

5.0 out of 5 stars Buy Three Individual Books Instead of This One, October 16, 2007

Neale Donald Walsch

I bought this book, thinking that price and consolidation would be better, but in retrospect I wish I had bought the three individual books for their color covers and ease of carrying one at a time on trips, which is when I do most of my reading.

I'd like to thank the two guys in the Middle East that recommended this book to me. I have provided a detailed review for each of the three books at the links below.

Conversations with God : An Uncommon Dialogue (Book 1)

Conversations With God : An Uncommon Dialogue (Book 2)

Conversations With God : An Uncommon Dialogue (Book #3)

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Review: Conversations with God–An Uncommon Dialogue (Book 1)

5 Star, Culture, DVD - Light, Religion & Politics of Religion, Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution
God One
Amazon Page

5.0 out of 5 stars Buy Individual Books in Order–Replaces Bible

October 15, 2007

Neale Donald Walsch

I regret not paying better attention to the reviewer of the collected set (one book with three parts and no covers). Do buy the books individually for a more distributed appreciation.

This will sound like sacrilege to many, but in my view these three books in combination replace the Bible as the foundation work for the future of Humanity as God in Community on Earth. There is so much common sense in all three books that I am just blown away.

Although I am 10-15 years late in appreciating the cultural creatives, integral consciousness, one from many, I sense an imminent renaissance of humanity, aided by the amoral wickedness of Dick Cheney and those foolish enough to obey his unconstitutional orders. These three books are our manual for re-establishing Humanity in Community.

Book 1 introduces a God who loves us unconditionally, whom we can have faith in, and who does not need to bloated religious bureaucracies of fear-mongering, hate-mongering, sexually-inhibited priests, imams, and rabbis (some exceptions not withstanding).

The bottom line is this: you can live in fear or live in love–unconditional love. Fear is exclusive, love in inclusive.

Here are the notes I kept:

* Core values are truth, patience, open mind, open heart.
* Arts are inspiration and help spirituality grow and be shared
* Feelings are the language of the soul
* God is found in the highest thought, clearest word, grandest feeling
* Receive and embrace God directly, not via false intermediaries
* Knowing, experiencing, being
* Point of life is to remember the One and rewind back from fragmentation
* You, not God, determines outcomes–live the change you wish to see (Gandhi)
* We choose heaven or hell on earth
* Only by accepting responsibility for ALL poverty and other high-level threats to humanity can we resolve them.
* Judgment fragments and lessens community
* There are no coincidences
* You attract what you fear through emotions
* Choose love, end war–Humanity is losing patience (see Blessed Unrest)
* Sex with joy and sympathy is the ultimate form of love
* Money is the ultimate divider, irrelevant to achieving peace & prosperity
* Stop accepting “original sin” and start remembering you are one with God.
* Passion is in the doing
* Freedom is living life without expectations
* When you are so good you no longer need God, this is God's greatest moment.
* Religions that stress damnation are flat out WRONG. Not possible to offend God, whose love is unconditional.
* Priests and others are a major part of the schism of demanding religions.
* Purpose of relationships is to have another with whom you can share your completeness.
* Love is BEING, not fulfilling a NEED.
* God asks that you love yourself and always make the highest choice.
* Act before thinking; emphasize being, follow a calling in life.
* Gratitude in advance–reciprocal altruism, is the highest path.
* Worry can be fatal. Stop worrying.

On to Book 2
Conversations With God : An Uncommon Dialogue (Book 2)

See also:
Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution
Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming
Left Hand of God, The: Healing America's Political and Spiritual Crisis
One from Many: VISA and the Rise of Chaordic Organization
Escaping the Matrix: How We the People can change the world
All Rise: Somebodies, Nobodies, and the Politics of Dignity (BK Currents)

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Review DVD: Copying Beethoven

5 Star, Culture, DVD - Light, Reviews (DVD Only)
DVD Copying Beethhoven
Amazon Page

Ed Harris Reigns, Diane Kruger Blooms

October 8, 2007

Ed Harris, Diane Kruger

This is such an extraordinary movie that I watched it twice and then ordered it from Amazon as a permanent part of my library.

Ed Harris moves into the very top ranks of male actors. He is nothing less than brilliant, an Oscar on steroids. Diane Kruger is utterly lovely and talented and surely a rising star of great importance and nuance.

The music is devastatingly perfect, there is so much life in this movie that I am inspired.

“The vibrations are God's breath. Music is God's message.”

Totally, utterly, wonderful in every respect.

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