Obama to Clapper: “Disappointed.” Duh.

DefDog Recommends...

UPDATED to ADD USMC NIT 1991 & 3 articles.

In 1991 the Marine Corps proposed a redirection of National Intelligence Topics (NIT) toward the Third World and Global Coverage.  Here is what was proposed and refused, following upon General Al Gray's article, “Global Intelligence Challenges in the 1990's“:

Reference: USMC Proposed Alternative National Intelligence Topics (NIT) (1991)

An Intelligence Failure in Egypt? (The Atlantic)

Egypt and US Intelligence – Another Failure to use Social Media well? (FastForward)

Washington’s new myth: “intelligence failure” in Egypt: Regime change has been planned for years (Global Researcher)

US intelligence on Arab unrest draws criticism

Kimberly Dozier, Fri Feb 4, 2011

WASHINGTON – U.S. intelligence agencies are drawing criticism from the Oval Office and Capitol Hill that they failed to warn of revolts in Egypt and the downfall of an American ally in Tunisia.

Worth a full read including Charlie Allen's comments….

Phi Beta Iota: The time has come for an open letter on this matter.

ON INTELLIGENCE: Open Letter to the President

Continue reading “Obama to Clapper: “Disappointed.” Duh.”

Call for Papers 31 March UN Aerospace Power

Workshop, 15-16 June 2011, Trenton, Ontario

Aerospace power has always been an important element of UN peace operations. At first, aerospace power was limited to transport and basic observation, but the complexity of UN operations has increased the need for support from air and space-based assets. Mission requirements have expanded to include the provision of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR), and when required, the application of force. This workshop will explore the evolution of aerospace power in UN operations past, present, and future.

Individuals wishing to submit a paper for consideration should address it to one of the co-chairs listed below no later than 31 March 2011. Proposals should be at least 200 words in length and include a curriculum vitae (CV). This conference will take place on 15 and 16 June, 2011, at the Canadian Forces Base Trenton, CFAWC, 8 Wing, Trenton, Ontario, Canada.

Dr. Walter Dorn
Canadian Forces College
416-482-6800 x 6539
dorn@cfc.dnd.ca, http://walterdorn.org/events-and-activities

Major Bill March
Canadian Forces Aerospace Warfare Centre
613-392-2811 x 4656
william.march@forces.gc.ca ,


Event: 15-16 June Ontario UN Aerospace Power

Click on Image to Expand


Workshop, 15-16 June 2011, Trenton, Ontario

Aerospace power has always been an important element of UN peace operations. At first, aerospace power was limited to transport and basic observation, but the complexity of UN operations has increased the need for support from air and space-based assets. Mission requirements have expanded to include the provision of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR), and when required, the application of force. This workshop will explore the evolution of aerospace power in UN operations past, present, and future.

Individuals wishing to submit a paper for consideration should address it to one of the co-chairs listed below no later than 31 March 2011. Proposals should be at least 200 words in length and include a curriculum vitae (CV). This conference will take place on 15 and 16 June, 2011, at the Canadian Forces Base Trenton, CFAWC, 8 Wing, Trenton, Ontario, Canada.

Dr. Walter Dorn
Canadian Forces College
416-482-6800 x 6539
dorn@cfc.dnd.ca, http://walterdorn.org/events-and-activities

Major Bill March
Canadian Forces Aerospace Warfare Centre
613-392-2811 x 4656
william.march@forces.gc.ca ,


40 Signals of Russian Collapse?


Berto Jongman Recommends...

40 warning signals of the collapse and decay of the Russian Federation (Putinism)

Publication time: 4 February 2011, 13:35

1) Institutionalized corruption and widespread bribe taking, covered up by double entry book keeping systems….I never understood why even every street kiosk had to have an accountant.

2) Theft of state property and funds via crony capitalism.

3) Unrestrained money laundering.

Below the Line:  37 more, and comparison to USA.

Continue reading “40 Signals of Russian Collapse?”

Twitter as Psychiatric Patient Predicting Stock Market 3-4 Days in Advance w/86.7 % Accuracy

03 Economy, Academia, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Mobile, Technologies, Uncategorized

Twitter Can Predict the Stock Market

  • By Lisa Grossman
  • October 19, 2010

The emotional roller coaster captured on Twitter can predict the ups and downs of the stock market, a new study finds. Measuring how calm the Twitterverse is on a given day can foretell the direction of changes to the Dow Jones Industrial Average three days later with an accuracy of 86.7 percent.

“We were pretty astonished that this actually worked,” said computational social scientist Johan Bollen of Indiana University-Bloomington. The new results appear in a paper on the arXiv.org preprint server.

Bollen and grad student Huina Mao stumbled on this computational crystal ball almost by accident. Earlier studies had found that blogs can be used to gauge public mood, and that tweets about movies can predict box office sales. An open source mood-tracking tool called OpenFinder sorts tweets into positive and negative bins based on emotionally charged words.

But Bollen wanted to build a more nuanced emotional barometer. He used a standard psychology tool called the Profile of Mood States, a quick questionnaire that is used frequently in pharmaceutical research or sports medicine.

The original questionnaire asks people to rate how closely their feelings match 72 different adjectives, including “friendly,” “peeved,” “active,” “on edge” and “panicky,” and uses the responses to measure mood along six dimensions: calmness, alertness, sureness, vitality, kindness and happiness.

Continue reading “Twitter as Psychiatric Patient Predicting Stock Market 3-4 Days in Advance w/86.7 % Accuracy”

Event Listings from the Magazines Metropolis & Yes! (Includes Cradle to Cradle Festival)



January 26

For the Greener Good: Inspired by Nature

Washington, D.C.

In its seventh season, For the Greener Good—one of the National Building Museum’s most popular public education forums—culminates with four panel discussions about the state of sustainability in our nation. The first panel, Inspired by Nature, will discuss how architects, builders, and engineers can take a cue from the natural world to create a greener, stronger, and more sustainable built environment. Metropolis editor-in-chief Susan Szenasy will be joined on the panel by Chris Garvin, of Terrapin Bright Green; Sheila Kennedy, an architect and professor at MIT; and Taryn Mead, a senior biologist at the design table at the Biomimicry Group. www.nbm.org/programs-lectures/series/for-the-greener-good-1.html

CONVERGENCE of Corruption & Truth


Yemen: Ripple Effects from Tunisia. On Saturday, thousands of Yemenis demonstrated to demand an end to President Ali Abdullah Saleh's 32-year tenure as President. The demonstration was confined to the University of Sanaa grounds, but nearly 2,500 students, activists and opposition groups gathered and chanted slogans against the president, comparing him to Tunisia's ousted President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. Protests were also held in Aden. Police fired on demonstrators, injuring four, and detained 22 others in heavy clashes.

An Islamist lawmaker and head of the teachers' union stated, “there will be an escalation.”

Also on Saturday, President Saleh replaced Trade and Industrial Minister Yahya al-Mutawakil with Deputy Minister of Planning and International Ministry Hisham Sharaf Abdullah after protesters demanded the government curb increasing commodity and fuel prices. Demonstrations continued for seven days prior to the cabinet shift, which will not satisfy the demonstrators.

On 23 January, President Saleh announced that Yemeni security forces will receive a pay raise of 5,000 rials ($25) per month and will receive health insurance. During a speech at an annual armed forces conference, Saleh said that the qualitative construction process has been on an advanced level during the past few years and that security forces are targeted by terrorist elements, especially al Qaida. Saleh told the security forces that they should be protected and that personnel should be provided with modern equipment. The military institution is not aspiring for illegal ambitions through chaos, Saleh said, adding that Yemen should deliberate power peacefully and not by chaos like Tunisia.

Comment: Unlike Tunisia, Yemen has a vicious, active Islamic opposition force that has the capability to take power from Saleh and his security forces in the form of al Qaida. A pro-Islamist government in largely illiterate and backward Yemen would be a major setback for US policy. The US might have to fight in Yemen to protect Afghanistan and friendly entities in eastern Africa.

As in Tunisia, the main threat to the government is a fracture in the ruling elite that leads to another palace coup by a faction that is pro-al Qaida. That threat explains the pay raise for the security forces, to prevent their defection as occurred in Tunisia.


Phi Beta Iota: This is but the tip of the iceberg.  The food crisis is caused by corruption–the scarcity is contrived.  Along with the food crisis is an emergent water crisis that will make Haiti look like a sideshow, spawning disease as well as instability.  And then there is the spread of the Internet.  Everything the US Government is doing overseas–without exception–is making matters WORSE, not better.  Absent integrity, it is not possible to be right with God or with the public one ostensibly serves.