Patrick Meier: Next Generation Humanitarian Technology

Patrick Meier
Patrick Meier

Keynote: Next Generation Humanitarian Technology

I’m excited to be giving the Keynote address at the Social Media and Response Management Interface Event (SMARMIE 2013) in New York this morning. A big thank you to the principal driver behind this important event, Chuck Frank, for kindly inviting me to speak. This is my first major keynote since joining QCRI, so I’m thrilled to share what I’ve learned during this time and to my vision for the future of humanitarian technology. But I’m even more excited by the selection of speakers and caliber of participants. I eager to learn about their latest projects, gain new insights and hopefully create pro-active partnerships moving forward.

You can follow this event via live stream and @smarmieNYC & #smarmie). I  plan to live tweeting the event at @patrickmeier. My slides are available for download here (125MB). Each slide include speaking notes, which may be of interest to folks who are unable to follow via live stream. Feel free to use my slides but strictly for non-commercial purposes and only with direct attribution. I’ll be sure to post the video of my talk on iRevolution when it becomes available. In the meantime, these videos and publications may be of interest. Also, I’ve curated the table of contents below with 60+ links to every project and/or concept referred to in my keynote and slides (in chronological order) so participants and others can revisit these after the conference—and more importantly keep our conver-sations going via Twitter and the comments section of the blog posts. I plan to hire a Research Assistant in the near future to turn these (and other posts) into a series of up-to-date e-books in which I’ll cite and fully credit the most interesting and insightful comments posted on iRevolution.

Directory of and Links to Foundation Posts:

Continue reading “Patrick Meier: Next Generation Humanitarian Technology”

Open Source Everrything: Query Foundation & bocoup

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Open Source Everything: Working with the jQuery Foundation


Over the past few months, I’ve been able to spend a great deal of time working on the jQuery Foundation’s initiative to open source the content and design of all its sites. A major reason for this effort is to dramatically lower the barrier for community involvement and therefore open up entirely new avenues for people who’d like to begin helping out, but haven’t been sure how.

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To learn more about the technologies involved and find out how it all works, take a look at the jQuery Foundation’s web site contribution guide. The new jQuery Learning Center is especially ripe territory for anyone who likes helping other people out and has good ideas to share!

Read full post.

SchwartzReport: 9 Economic Facts That Will Make Your Head Spin


schwartz reportThis report, grounded entirely in facts, is going to upset you. It is a saga of how a nation commits suicide, and if it doesn't leave you concerned, it might be wise to make sure you have a pulse.

9 Economic Facts That Will Make Your Head Spin

Half the population of the U.S. has slipped into poverty or is barely making enough to get by.

Sub-Titles Only:

1. Recovery for the rich, recession for the rest.
2. Half of us are poor or barely scraping by.
3. Unhappy meal (47 million on food stamps)
4. Old age and poverty.
5. Incarceration nation.
6. The cost of gender inequality.
7.  College degrees still pay off, big-time.
8. A retired couple needs a quarter million for retirement – just for healthcare.
9. The looting of America.

Read full article.

Berto Jongman: Special Librarians Association Considers How Librarians Might be Intelligence Discovery Specialists — It Only Took Them TWENTY YEARS From When the Idea was First Presented

03 Economy, 04 Education, IO Impotency, Uncategorized
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

SLA 2013 Annual Confernce, 9 June

Dr. Edna Reid, intelligence analyst (IA) in the federal government, and Aileen Marshall will present an interactive session about emerging roles for librarians/information professionals as intelligence analysts (IAs), open source specialists, and cyber intelligence analysts. The workshop will involve dissecting job descriptions for IAs, comparing competencies of librarians and IAs, and exploring training opportunities such as the open source specialist certificate. Reforms in the intelligence community (IC) and enhanced recognition of the value of open source/unclassified information (OSINT) can provide new opportunities for you!

• Discover how librarians can make the transition to IAs in the intelligence community (IC).
• Analyze IA job announcements, outline differences between LIS and an IA resumes, and discuss analytical tradecraft associated with IAs. Tradecraft is a skill acquired through experience in a trade.
• Highlight opportunities for librarians/information professionals and the SLA.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Special Librarians Association Considers How Librarians Might be Intelligence Discovery Specialists — It Only Took Them TWENTY YEARS From When the Idea was First Presented”

Owl: Mike Ruppert on WHY $1 Million is Offered for the Rogue Cop – Catalyst for West Coast Uprising?

Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

According to a recent radio show hosted by Michael Ruppert, Dorner has worked with Navy Seals (perhaps implied in the wiki bio below) – he’s a well-trained warrior, an operator. Ruppert mentioned much else about Dorner that will strike students of John Robb’s writings on the “global guerilla” as having many affinities to this type of warrior. Here’s the link to the show well worth hearing:

Lifeboat Hour – 02/10/13

The $1,000,000 bounty put on Dorner’s head implies he has a potential destructive value not only to high-up police but to political elites, a value which has yet to be spelled out to us regular people. How much do they think his revelations, if he has any, can destabilize their authority and grasp on the levers of power? My guess is: a lot.  If they read Robb on how one or very few men could cause major damage to large systems, they have cause to be afraid. The passing of time will soon reveal if a global guerrilla-type scenario is being played out by Dorner and his state adversaries.

Lt Chris Dorner, USNR
Lt Chris Dorner, USNR

Christopher Jordan Dorner, Global Guerrilla?

Dorner’s wikipedia biography  states he “ was commissioned in 2002, commanded a security unit at Naval Air Station Fallon, Nevada, and served with a Mobile Inshore Undersea Warfare Unit from June 23, 2004, to February 28, 2006. He was deployed to Bahrain with Coastal Riverine Group Two from November 3, 2006, to April 23, 2007.[6] Dorner was honorably discharged from the Navy Reserve on February 1, 2013.”

Leash Lynn Plante
Leash Lynn Plante


Robb’s 2009 essay gives an example of a typical special ops tool: kill lists. In the essay, he refers to guerrilla war against corporations:

“Highly accurate lists of targets from hacking “black” marketplaces.  These lists include all corporate employee e-mail addresses and phone numbers — both at work and at home.  ~<$0.25 a dossier (for accurate lists).”

Substitute “corporation” for “LAPD,” and we readily recognize Dorner uses a kill list, which he has already acted upon.

Continue reading “Owl: Mike Ruppert on WHY $1 Million is Offered for the Rogue Cop – Catalyst for West Coast Uprising?”

Review: Strategic Intelligence for the 21st Century: The Mosaic Method

5 Star, Intelligence (Commercial), Intelligence (Government/Secret), Intelligence (Public), Uncategorized
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Alfred Rolington

5.0 out of 5 stars One of four essential books on the future of intelligence, February 2, 2013

I have been holding a gift copy of this book for over a month, waiting for it to be available on Amazon so I could post my review, and as a result have also read — and also recommend as an essential book — Sir David Omand's book Securing the State. I am rating both books at 5, both books are as erudite and perceptive as it gets.

Alfred Rolington can reasonably be considered “P” or the Public counterpart to “M” in the UK, as I have been to the secret world in the US.  He is the master of BOTH the secret process of intelligence and its purposes, AND the very broad multi-lingual multi-cultural world of open sources in unpublished, analog, and digital form that the secret world is — to be blunt — arrogantly ignorant of.  This book is one of a handful truly relevant to the future of intelligence (decision-support) done properly — which is to say, as decision-support for ALL threats and challenges, not as surveillance secrets protecting the few.

This book by Alfred Rolington, former CEO of Janes and someone I have known for over fifteen years — and whom I will testify has been the single most accomplished and imaginative speaker in my conference on international intelligence from 1992-2006, among over 750 speakers — is the better book for students and I strongly recommend it as required reading at the university level.

As I am one of the arch-critics of expensive secret “intelligence” that is done badly, and do not mince my own words, it is with some awe that I read strong critical views articulated in such a graceful manner that I can just see the US Director of National Intelligence with his pants down saying “Thank you, Sir, may I please have three more?” Naturally nothing in this book should be taken to be critical of the British intelligence community that is without peer.

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Daniel Ellsberg: Secrecy vs. Whistleblowing in a Democracy

Daniel Ellsberg
Daniel Ellsberg

Secreacy and National Security Whistleblowing

Daniel Ellsberg

Huffington Post repritned from Social Research, 13 January 2013

I) Reflections on Secret-keeping and Identity

In the “national security” area of the government — the White House, the departments of state and defense, the armed services and the “intelligence community,” along with their contractors — there is less whistleblowing than in other departments of the executive branch or in private corporations. This despite the frequency of misguided practices and policies within these particular agencies that are both more well-concealed and more catastrophic than elsewhere, and thus even more needful of unauthorized exposure.

The mystique of secrecy in the universe of national security, even beyond the formal apparatus of classification and clearances, is a compelling deterrent to whistleblowing and thus to effective resistance to gravely wrongful or dangerous policies. In this realm, telling secrets appears unpatriotic, even traitorous. That reflects the general presumption — even though it is very commonly false — that the secrecy is aimed not at domestic, bureaucratic or political rivals or the American public but at foreign, powerful enemies, and that breaching it exposes the country, its people and its troops to danger.

Even those insiders who have come to understand that the presumption is frequently false and that particular facts are being wrongly and dangerously kept secret not so much from foreigners but from Congress, courts or the public are strongly inhibited from speaking out by an internalized commitment to keep official secrets from outsiders, which they have promised to do as a condition of employment or access.

Full article below the line.

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