Yoda: Two Divisive Trends – Unassimilated Immigrants Who Commit Treason, and Fake News False Flag Anything Goes Lies

Two Divisive Trends That Will Shape the New Decade The combination of “alternative facts” and not knowing what to believe begs the question: How does a nation that depends and thrives on the free flow of accurate information survive when “news” is suspect and self-selected by one’s party or political beliefs? What happens when “we …

SPECIAL: CENSORED Trump Poisoned? by Mike Adams with Alex Jones UPDATE 5

This story is being censored by the mainstream and social media that block Natural News (as well as Phi Beta Iota) from being seen by most. EXCLUSIVE – President Trump makes unscheduled stop at military hospital to undergo battery of tests for possible deliberate poisoning of food with “time delayed” chemical agent; food tester gravely …

SPECIAL: The Hammer — Key to Coup — Virtual Guilloutine for Ten+ Traitors Starting with Rice, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Curtis?

THE HAMMER IS THE KEY TO THE COUP Mary Fanning and Alan Jones The American Report | November 10, 2019 Brennan and Clapper used THE HAMMER to spy on Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, 159 Article III judges, FISA Court Presiding Judge Reggie Walton, members of Congress, Wall Street …