Pepe Escobar: China-India-Iran-Pakistan-Russia Triumph

The West Can’t Smell What Eurasia is Cooking A tectonic geopolitical shift happened in Astana, Kazakhstan, only a few days ago, and yet barely a ripple registered in Atlanticist circles. At the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), founded in 2001, both India and Pakistan were admitted as full members, alongside Russia, China and four Central Asian …

Marcus Aurelius: Hillary Kills Again! Executed Iranian Spying for USA Named in Unprotected Clinton Emails

Hillary Kills Again! Oh My: Executed Iranian Nuclear Scientist Was Named in Hillary’s Emails How Amiri was exposed as a spy is still unclear, especially since he was praised by the Iranian government just a few years ago, but according to Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton his name was mentioned multiple times in emails by former …

Ray McGovern: Russia, Syria, & US-Israel UPDATE

The Hope Behind Putin’s Syria Help The risk here, however, is that the American neocons and liberal interventionists remain drunk on their dreams of a permanent U.S. global hegemony that doesn’t broach any rivalry from Russia, China or any other potential challenger to America’s “full-spectrum dominance.” If these war hawks don’t sober up – and …

USS Liberty Update: Israel Jammed Distress Frequencies, 4 out of 5 Torpedoes Missed, Ran Out of Ammunition — Intent Was to Sink Ship, Kill All

As the Zionist government of Israel continues to meddle in US internal matters, massing its legions of unregistered agents against the Iran treaty — most of these domestic agents bribed by payments (at a time when the US taxpayer funds 20% of the Israeli government budget) and all taking direction from this foreign power, it …