Ed Jewett: US Government Argues It Can Kill US Citizens “At Will” and Without Due Process — We Do Not Make This Shit Up!

Government Argues In Court That It Can Kill US Citizens At Will With Zero Judicial Oversight The federal government is back in court, arguing for its unilateral right to kill US citizens. Two journalists who had appeared to have been mistakenly targeted by drone strikes sued the government in 2017, seeking an injunction forbidding their …

Answers on OSINT for India 3 – OSINT & Denied Areas

Sir, kindly guide on – 1- How can OSINT ops be successively conducted on closed information states like China or North Korea? (Attaching a file I had downloaded) 2- Is the information that China generally makes public through its stare-run agencies reliable and sufficient? 3- Is there any research paper or unclassified information over the …

Yoda: Cultural History from a Nordic Source – Black Nobility Using Zionists?

Reading this worthy of. These comments to describe the perspective needed to both understand and communicate the above texts and loinks – due to the History behind the OCTOGON, founded in 1050 – when the old Gaius-family of Rome succeeded to tear down the Allied Forces of the Nordic Kingdoms and thus conquer ALL of …

Robert Steele: Freeing Special Forces from Conventional Forces And Empowering Them with D3C and OSINT

Purge: Spec-Ops Command Now Equal to Other Military Branches & Reports Directly to Trump’s SecDef USDI has the right idea, but it is going to be a real challenge to free SOF not just from the conventional forces, but from the double-burden of all the embedded conventional uniformed and civilian “leaders” combined with all the …