EUCOM Week in Review Ending 19 August 2009

Hot Topics AA: BALKANS: Back to Arms, if not War 08/18/09 AA: Expert: Russian military base in Armenia potentially dangerous 08/17/09 AA: Gwynne Dyer: Basque terrorism offers lessons to the world 08/18/09 CY: Government striving for viable and functional solution to Cyprus … 08/17/09 DE: German firms fear losing lucrative Iranian market 08/19/09 DE: Germany—Military …

EUCOM Week in Review Ending 5 August 2009

Hot Topics AA: Season of Travesties: Freedom & Democracy 07/31/09 AZ: Azerbaijani government permits to stop currency import/export in … 07/30/09 GE: South Ossetia one year on: Georgians wait in fear for Russians to… 08/01/09 GE: The News in Brief 08/04/09 IL: Candidly speaking: End the blood libels against Israel & the IDF 08/03/09 IL: Netanyahu Sister-in-Law Arrested at …

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 3 August 2009

Hot Topics AA: Democracy and a tale of two republics 07/29/09 AA: SOMALIA-UGANDA: AU deaths under spotlight 07/31/09 AO: Over 19000 foreigners entries recorded 07/28/09 BI: HRW condemns Burundi move to criminalize homosexuality 08/02/09 CD: Democratic Republic of Congo bans RFI 07/30/09 ER: The house of despair 07/29/09 ET: IFEX members raise alarm over anti-terrorism law 07/29/09 ET: What is …