PACOM Week in Review Ending 23 August 2009

Hot Topics AA: Seven Steps to Take in Dealing with North Korea 08/21/09 AU: Australia Lists Somali Militia Al-Shabaab as Terrorist Group 08/21/09 CN: Out of Africa and into China, emigres struggle 08/20/09 ID: Downer praises Indonesia’s anti-terrorism drive 08/20/09 ID: Indonesia: Terrorism feared, Jama’ah Tabligh members expelled 08/22/09 ID: Indonesia’s Ex-Terrorists Should Be Closely …

Journal: Chuck Spinney Flags “More Troops = More Targets”

Inside the Taliban: ‘The more troops they send, the more targets we have’ Ghaith Abdul-Ahad,Saturday 15 August 2009 Ghaith Abdul-Ahad is an Iraqi journalist who works as a special correspondent for the Guardian. Phi Beta Iota Selected One-Liners followed by link to McNamara in Fog of War Includes MAJOR finding on drone need for infrared …

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 10 August 2009

Hot Topics BI: Burundi to curb prices of petroleum products 08/06/09 CF: Independent Candidacy: Waiting on National Assembly 08/07/09 EH: Defection ; a Setback to Western Sahara Separatists Hardliners 08/07/09 ER: Eritrea Denies Arming Somali Militants 08/07/09 NG: Nigeria: Violence in north is not what it seems 08/08/09 SD: United Nations Force Commanders in Darfur Address …