EUCOM Week in Review Ending 19 August 2009

Hot Topics AA: BALKANS: Back to Arms, if not War 08/18/09 AA: Expert: Russian military base in Armenia potentially dangerous 08/17/09 AA: Gwynne Dyer: Basque terrorism offers lessons to the world 08/18/09 CY: Government striving for viable and functional solution to Cyprus … 08/17/09 DE: German firms fear losing lucrative Iranian market 08/19/09 DE: Germany—Military …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: James Duncan

Photo Credit:  Piers Cawley 3D printing and open source design Biography in Book: James Duncan is VP of Technology at Marketingisland, in Montreal, Quebec. Prior to joining Marketingisland James worked for Fotango Ltd, a Canon subsidiary, first as its Chief Scientist and then as CIO. While at Fotango James spent time researching many emerging technologies, including …