Mongoose: FBI Abuse of NSA Databases Against Trump & 702 US Citizens

FISA Judges Collyer and Boasberg Both Identified NSA Databases Used for Political Surveillance… By maintaining the counterintelligence process for Mueller, the FBI was able to continue exploiting the NSA database as a FISA(702) tool for their investigation.  The foreign actors played a key role in this process.  So long as the Mueller investigation was targeting …

Robert Steele: Hats off to the Southern Baptists, Seeking to Restore Civil Christian Discourse to the Failed American Democracy

‘What killed American public discourse?’ New report, survey examines civility and evangelicals America’s public square is a toxic place, experts say, but one evangelical Christian organization is trying to figure out how to change that. “We hate our politicians, and we hate each other,” a new report examining the state of civility in the U.S. explains. The …