SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 4 August 2009

Hot Topics AA: Chile, Panama with the highest rate of imprisoned population 07/30/09 BR: Growth With Equity: Brazils Path to Economic Recovery 08/03/09 CL: Chile requests additional time to clear mines along Bolivian border 07/29/09 CO: Chiquita CEOs sponsored terrorism in Colombia, now identified 08/01/09 CR: Michael O McCarthy interviews Costa Rican Presidential Candidate … 07/30/09 CU: Cuba Strengthens its Institutionalism 08/03/09 CU: Raul Castro: Cuba wont undo …

CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 30 July 2009

Hot Topics AF: Americas New Nightmare 07/28/09 AF: Taliban issues Code of Conduct to fighters in Afghanistan 07/30/09 IR:  Iran and the Taliban, allies against America 07/28/09 IR:  Report: Hezbollah Leader Threatens Tel Aviv Strike 07/27/09 KZ: Economic meltdown only latest woe for oil-rich Kazakhstan 07/30/09 PS:  Gaza Strip to Get Access to Reconstruction Materials …

SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 21 July 2009

Hot Topics AR:  Britains warnings for travelers who want to visit Argentina: 07/16/09 BR:  RIGHTS-BRAZIL: Controversy Surrounds Army Search for Guerrilla Remains 07/17/09 CL:  Mapuche: No Effective Autonomy Without Political Will 07/17/09 CO:  Colombia: rebels funded Ecuador leaders election 07/17/09 CO:  Latin America: Washington, Bogota on Verge of Deal to Make …07/17/09 CO:  New Anti-Ecuador …

2009 The Ultimate Hack: Re-Inventing Intelligence to Re-Engineer the World (Faculty of Advanced Engineering University of British Columbia March 2009)

Handouts (Their Site) PPT (Our Site): 2009 UBC The Ultimate Hack Slides 2.0 FINAL, with Notes) With a tip of the hat the University of British Columbia and Professor John Meech of the Faculty of Advanced Engineering, this is the latest briefing.  As with most of my briefings, planned words for brevity can be found …