Handbook: Becoming a Knowledge-Sharing Organization

Becoming a Knowledge-Sharing Organization : A Handbook for Scaling Up Solutions through Knowledge Capturing and Sharing This volume offers a simple, systematic guide to creating a knowledge sharing practice in your organization. It shows how to build the enabling environment and develop the skills needed to capture and share knowledge gained from operational experiences to …

Owl: Podesta, Pedophilia, Steganography, Secret Files — Is Hillary Clinton One Step Closer to Prison for Pedophilia, Fraud, and Treason?

HILLARY ONE STEP CLOSER TO PRISON: ASSANGE REVEALS NEW HIDDEN HUMAN TRAFFICKING RING. IT’S SHOCKING Citizen Analysts Uncover Steganography Used in Hiding Images and Passwords that May Lead to Accessing More Pizzagate Pedo Imagery The “Pizzgate” news regarding WikiLeaks releases of Podesta’s emails and a Washington D.C. pizza restaurant possibly at the center of child …

Owl: Did FBI Just Confiscate the NYPD – Weiner Laptop Documenting Treason So As to Destroy It? Is NYPD in Revolt?

All signs point to “the system” — with Trump and RNC as well as Bernie Sanders and DOJ/FBI complicity — pulling out all the stops to enable a documented crime family to re-occupy the White House. Below as it appeared online. The Donald Trump Presidential Archive Author Jerome Corse tweets: NYPD says FBI HAS TAKEN …

Antechinus + Owl: Hillary Clinton Going Down for Treason, Pedophilia, & Murder — NYPD Insights on the “Soft Coup”

Below is a complete transcript of comments appearing to come from an NYPD source that detail facts emerging from the 650,000 emails taken into evidence by the NYPD. What jumps out early on is the clear evidence that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin were shipping classified information directly to Saudi Arabia and Qatar (IP addresses …

Owl: John Podesta Emails Exposing Elite Pedophilia and Satanic Rituals Including Child Murder “Snuffing” UPDATE 1

WIKILEAKS: PODESTA ‘SPIRIT COOKING’ DINNER MADE OF BLOOD, FRESH SEMEN AND BREASTMILK BY ARTIST MARINA ABRAMOVIC – MOST DISTURBING PODESTA EMAIL YET? ‘Spirit cooking” is one type of cooking you won’t find shown on any cable TV food channel. It is a phrase that has appeared in a Wikileaks email to Hilary Clinton campaign manager, John …

Owl: False Flag Red Alert – Hillary Clinton Panics – Potential for Murders Intended to Frame Donald Trump and Twist Narrative with CNN Complicity

FALSE FLAG RED ALERT: Media plotting with Clinton operatives to gun down democrats and blame it on Trump My widely-shared article predicting leftists bombings of government buildings was published several days before the GOP headquarters in North Carolina was firebombed by violent leftists. In my original story entitled VOTERS WARNED: You’ve already lost America… this …

Owl: Proof of Polls Rigged Against Trump — Comment on System Rigged Twelve Different Ways — Copy of Fax to Speaker Paul Ryan

This analysis makes a good case for Trump winning – maybe by a landslide –  no matter what polls say. Proof That Rigged Polls Are Oversampling Democrats Below the fold: comment and graphic on system rigged twelve different ways, and copy of facsimile to Speaker Paul Ryan proposing emergency session of Congress to mandate paper …