Owl: Wikipedia as a Memory Hole — Journalists as Shills — a Public that Embraces “Protective Stupidity” . . .

From Orwell to Gladwell and Back The technology of power is moving from the past’s emphasis on privacy and concealment toward more contemporary techniques of diversion, bias, misconception, and willful stupidity. The crude methods that George Orwell summed up in his image of the incinerator-chute “memory hole” are growing into more sophisticated devices for providing …

Owl: Hillary Clinton’s Death by Email

Richard Martin: Assange Is Not Kidding It turns out Assange wasn’t kidding. He is delivering tranches of 1000 or so hacked emails a day from major political organizations and politicians. Some of the emails are some of the missing 30,000 emails which Hillary Clinton had scrubbed off her illegal home servers.

Owl: Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 Emails Being Released 1 November — Proves Treason by Hillary Clinton, Complicity by Obama, Lynch, & Comey UPDATE 1

Clinton Campaign About to Be Splattered Into a Million Pieces by Release of 33,000 Illicitly Destroyed Emails Showing Influence Peddling Quid Pro Quos and Other High Crimes as Well as Racism, Committing Felonies on Camera Anonymous sources on 4chan are saying that Wikileaks has Hillary’s 33,000 deleted emails, and what’s in them will mean the …

Owl: The Madness of Queen Hillary: Mental as Well as Physical Breakdown — UPDATE 1

This insight is top-drawer with regard to a recent melt-down by Hilary in which she verbally abused her staff (plus threw something at a staffer). A key statement she made during the course of her shouting fit was Trump ““will have us swinging from nooses” if he wins the election. Really? On what grounds? This …

Owl: Entire US Voter Registration Database (191 Million Profiles) Leaks — Not a Hack, Just Sheer Incompetence

Entire US voter registration record leaks (191 million) I’m Chris Vickery. I know your phone number, address, date of birth, and more (if you’re registered to vote in the US).I have recently downloaded voter registration records for 191 million Americans from a leaky database. I believe this is every registered voter in the entire country. …

Owl: Alt Right = Angry Young Men Who Hate Predatory Liberalism…the Anti-Thesis of Hillary Clinton, the 1%, and Regulatory Bureaucracy

The alt-right- is mostly comprised of young guys. That is, what was once something much more straight-forward (pun not intended) – sex, which leads to marriage leads to children leads to community – has become impossible, or close to it, for many of these guys. And as we know since Freud and before, sex is …