Jean James: Broken and Corrupt Police Forces in Collusion with Broken and Corrupt Judges, Lawyers, and Accounting Firms – A UK Case Study

British born Canadian, Jean James, is a visual artist, writer, and researcher, with a particular interest in organised crime and public sector corruption. Since her family was defrauded in 2007 by criminals using the British Court of Protection as a tool, she discovered the racketeering that targets the elderly and vulnerable in the UK. Her …

Mongoose: Hillary Clinton Emails Reveal French Goals in Invading Libya Include Termination of Gaddafi Gold-Backed Dinar as Primary African Currency

Hillary Emails Reveal NATO Killed Gaddafi to Stop Libyan Creation of Gold-Backed Currency The email in question was sent to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by her unofficial adviser Sydney Blumenthal titled “France’s client and Qaddafi’s gold”. Read full article. RELATED: Hillary’s Dirty War in Libya: New Emails Reveal Propaganda, Executions, Coveting Libyan Oil and Gold

Ed Jewett: The Illegal Invaders Caravan and the Protocols of Zion

Protocols It is not debatable that the ‘caravan’ isn’t the coincidental and unorganized decision of thousands of people to simultaneously take a long walk to the United States.  Just the logistical aspect of looking after this many people in a rolling march through Central America would be very complicated, and very expensive.  When you add …

Robert Steele: Synagogue False Flag — Baloney — FEMA Legalized Lies UPDATE 17: Synagogue Business as Usual…No Bio-Hazards?

SHORT URL: UPDATE 17: Synagogue opens quickly for business as usual, no problem with the alleged bio-hazards that would have kept it closed for a week to ten days. Note also two competing cover stories, one from New York one from Pittsburgh, of two different groups claiming to be responsible for the ritual cleaning.

SPECIAL: Zionist 9/11 Micro-Nukes UPDATE 1: 97% at MAGA Rallies Agree This Is Real

From a source I had in the past who was in Israel, I personally believe that they developed micro-nukes based on lithium 7 and protons which function as implosive anti-matter micro-nukes placed ever ten floors in the twin-towers in the elevator shafts by now shut down elevator maintenance company that was working on elevators in …

Robert Steele: Khashoggi False Flag CIA Princes Bandar Turki Coup Against Trump & MbS UPDATE 20: Saudi Lead on Alledged Murder a Zionist Asset?

SHORT URL: UPDATE 20: Saudi Lead on Alledged Murder a Zionist Asset? UPDATE 19: Sybel Edmunds in Turkey Confirms CIA-Mossad False Flag Fake Girlfriend, No Body UPDATE 18: The CIA lied about the Russians hacking the election, could they be lying (or deceived by the Zionists) on MBS’s role? President is CORRECT to say …