Ed Jewett: US Intelligence Community Admits Ineptitude with Open Source Information

 Intel Community Grapples With Key Open Source Intel “In our defeat-ISIS activities, we’ve had a struggle and presently continue to struggle with the challenge of open source and publicly available information, and how we leverage that to make it truly useful for the warfighter,” Jospeh Votel, former head of both Special Operations Command and Central …

Owl: Bradford Hanson Reflections on Jewish Intermarriage into Native Elites – Is Donald Trump Owned by the Zionists?

Reflections on Jewish Intermarriage into Native Elites Jewish intermarriage into non-Jewish power elites is a significant but under-researched aspect of Jewish strategies to maintain and expand influence. In fact, within a century the scale of Jewish intermarriage with the British aristocracy was such that it led L.G. Pine, editor of Burke’s Peerage from 1949–1959, to …

Zero Hedge: Donald Trump the ‘Only One’ to Help Prosecutor in 2009 Jeffrey Epstein Case

Trump Was ‘Only One’ To Help Prosecutor In 2009 Epstein Case And what about Trump? Following a 2018 financial settlement between Florida attorney Bradley Edwards – who represented one of Epstein’s accusers, only to be later sued by Epstein, Edwards claimed that Donald Trump was the ‘only person’ who provided assistance when Edwards served subpoenas and notices to …