Review: Ideas and Integrities–A Spontaneous Autobiographical Disclosure

Buckminster Fuller 6 Star and Beyond–the Essence of Fuller, the Future of Humanity November 28, 2010 I did not truly begin to understand the breadth and depth of Buckminster Fuller’s thinking until I read this book as it deserves to be read, with full attention and detailed notes. This is one of those books that …

Reference: Legitimate Grievances by Robert Steele

As we all observe with stunning detachment the symbiotic continuance of Bush-Obama Democratic-Republican support to the Wall Street looting of America led by Goldman Sachs, whose executives continue to “own” the Department of the Treasury and the Bank of New York (Federal Reserve), I believe it helpful to itemize some legitimate grievances that could inspire …

Review: Rebooting the American Dream–11 Ways to Rebuild Our Country

Thom Hartmann Short Smart List, Not a Roadmap or Game Plan November 28, 2010 I almost did not buy this book because I know all this stuff already, but out of respect for the author, who is one of a number of individuals including Jim Fallows, William Greider, Matt Miller, Margaret Wheatley, and Tom Atlee …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: China Expands to the Seas

China-Burma: Construction of a high-speed rail link between China’s southwestern province of Yunnan and Myanmar will begin in two months. The line will link Kunming, Yunnan’s capital to Yangon (Rangoon), on the Indian Ocean, according to Wang Mengshu, an academic from the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Wang said a China-to-Cambodia high-speed rail connection is under …

Journal: Taliban’s grip is far stronger than the West will admit

Afghanistan – behind enemy lines James Fergusson returns after three years to Chak, just 40 miles from Kabul, to find the Taliban’s grip is far stronger than the West will admit Independent, 14 November 2010 The sound of a propeller engine is audible the moment my fixer and I climb out of the car, causing …

Review: Griftopia–Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America

Matt Taibbi 6 Star Game Changer….Maybe November 2, 2010 This is an extraordinary book, combining gifted insights and turns of phrase with serious research that has a point worth fighting for: Wall Street led by Goldman Sachs has ripped off the entire US economy, and they still have most people thinking that politics matters. It …

Journal: CIA Continues to Ignore Published Critics

Los Angeles Times October 31, 2010 Memoirs, Mistakes Converge As CIA Promises Reform Spies-turned-authors say the agency’s admitted ‘systemic failures’ in an Afghanistan suicide attack prove their allegations of myriad problems. But one veteran is being sued over his unapproved book. By Ken Dilanian Reporting from Washington–When CIA Director Leon Panetta gathered reporters recently to …