Berto Jongman: Was John Kerry Shot in France? UPDATE 8 AP Kerry Alive With Photo

The first story has been replayed by Georgi Stankov at the second link. US Secretary Of State Kerry Reported “Gravely Wounded” After French Gun Battle Georgi Stankov & Boyd Kraigher: Another Massive ID Shift on May 31, 2015 UPDATE 8: AP Provides Photo of Kerry Alive Secretary of State John Kerry speaks to media as …

Stephen E. Arnold: Collaborative Economy Lacks Information Access Solutions — Will Dark Web Dark Innovation Eclipse Payment Industry & “Open” Governments?

Search Left Out of the Collaborative Economy Honeycomb … I saw a post which pointed me to the Chief Digital Officer Summit and that pointed me to this page with the amazing honeycomb shown below. The title is “Collaborative Economy Honeycomb 2: Watch It Grow”   …  But what caused me to perk up and pay …

Sepp Hasslberger: Free Energy Advances in India — Over-Unity Reactionless Up to 250% Efficiency

An electric generator that runs itself, because it does not oppose magnetic resistance to the motion of the rotor… a very interesting development out of India. Breaking News: Over-Unity Reactionless Generator Invented In India A Reactionless AC Synchronous Generator has been invented by Paramahamsa Tewari, electrical engineer and former Executive Director of Nuclear Power Corporation …

Friends of Europe: Not Friendly, Not Thoughtful — Comment by Robert Steele

Friends of Europe (€2,281,515 a year budget) is delighted to send you the report of its last Security Jam, launched today at a debate with General Philip Breedlove, NATO Supreme Allied Commander in Europe and Ambassador Alain Le Roy, incoming Secretary General of the European External Action Service. European Union and NATO leaders must act …

Reflections: Paradise Found – Redefining Prosperity

Profit is Sustainable – If You Build Upon Intelligence with Integrity There are so many success stories today on the edges of the economy and society – EcoVillages, Transition Towns, and Intentional Communities among them – but the core concept of sustainable profit consistent with social and ecological integrity has yet to go mainstream. At …

ANSWERS to Tomas in Brazil on Capitalism, Free Energy, Black Global Government, and Extra-Terrestials

1) The Global Black Government (GBG) is, at least, 100 years ahead of any openly know technology. This is really two issues: whether Extra-Terrestial (ET) Technology has been obtained from ETs, and whether technology such as free energy has been repressed to protect legacy investments.  I believe the answer to both is yes.  I have …