Bin Laden Show 17: From Insane to Preposterous

Headlines Only: Rashard Mendenhall fired by Champion over Osama bin Laden tweets Bin Laden, two others didn’t fire on SEALs: sources Captured wife relives bin Laden’s life in mansion Crashed Copter Sparks Concern About Secrets Military interrogators: Waterboarding didn’t yield tips that led to bin Laden Osama bin Laden death: Intelligence reveals US rail threat …

Bin Laden Show 07: Ron Paul Forum Doubts…Anti-Islamic “Burial,” Pakistani Helicopters Involved, Expect NATO False Flag Terrorist Events (Remember Italy)…

Reasons to doubt official Bin Laden death story (please contribute) Submitted by pseudonym on Tue, 05/03/2011 – 10:33 Daily Paul Liberty Forum Hello everyone, Some readers here have contended that those of us who doubt the official story of bin Laden’s death are not using our critical thinking skills. I maintain that the opposite is …

Search: 2012 aftermath

2012 is a marvelous opportunity to apply intelligence with integrity.  Mature intelligence, with integrity totally ingrained, would integrate history, science, faith, and cultural diversity. Graphic: The New Craft of Intelligence Graphic: Information Operations (IO) Cube There are three approaches to 2012 aftermath:

Global Conversation on Internet Freedom YAY Bucky Fuller! Strangely enough, with all the nightmare scenario’s currently playing out, their corollary, our best dreams are also playing out. The stuff about being targeted and persecuted, shut-down etc. becomes irrelevant in the face of a few billion users who are able to leapfrog the existing infrastructure and communicate directly with one …

What Presidents Don’t Know About Education Plus RECAP of 6 Star Plus Books Relevant to Creating a Smart Nation with a Strategic Narrative that WORKS

How to Get a Real Education Forget art history and calculus. Most students need to learn how to run a business, says Scott Adams (Creator of Dilbert) Wall Street Journal, 9 April 2011 I understand why the top students in America study physics, chemistry, calculus and classic literature. The kids in this brainy group are …

Review: Questions of Truth–Fifty-one Responses to Questions About God, Science, and Belief

John C. Polkinghorne and Nicholas Beale Key Contribution at a Very Good Time April 7, 2011 This is one of three books that I selected to explore the science versus religion or science with religion reflections. Although I awarded the six star ranking to the shortest of three, God and Science: Coming Full Circle?, it …