Answers on OSINT for India 35: Should OSINT Technical Be Separate from OSINT Analysis?

Sir, Do you think it wise to distribute OSINT into two components- analytical vs technical. Technical here means all those tools and wares that help in analysis. It doent mean any alleged omnipotent search engine that searches every thing. For example, while ACH (Analysis of Competing Hypotheses) is an analytical method while the software that was …

Event: Free Online 25 January 6 PM Eastern Daniel Pinchbeck & Sean Stone – Fight Club!

FIGHT CLUB!  Extraterrestrial Drug Czar & Brilliant Author Confronts Pro Trump Anti Hollywood Movie Producer & Converted Muslim Sean Stone On Monday evening, I am holding a free public conversation with director, actor and talk show host Sean Stone (son of the well-known director Oliver Stone). I am friends with Sean. We have had some …

Steven Vervaecke: One Way to Create Your Own Web 3.0 Server Plus Comments

I have talked extensively about the fediverse, the decentral web, FAAMG alternatives and big tech censorship. My blogs offer a compelling overview and I have done work & stories for Robert David Steele about the decentral web. So you may ask yourself, after all this talk about going decentral and web 3.0, how do you …