Gordon Duff: Zionism Is Not Jewish, It Is a Satanic Offshoot of Freemasonry . . . The Luciferian-Deep State roots of Erdogan’s Holocaust in Idlib

The Luciferian-Deep State roots of Erdogan’s Holocaust in Idlib, What you will never be told Why is Erdogan backing al Qaeda against Russia and Syria? What is the tie between them? Both oppose “Baathism,” an anti-Masonic movement that took root in Egypt under Nassar, Syria under the Assad’s and Iraq under Sadam. Gaddafi? It recognized …

Kevin Barrett: Israeli Knesset Debates Mandatory Auschwitz Tattoos, “Fecal Holocaust Gene” Implants

Israeli Knesset Debates Mandatory Auschwitz Tattoos, “Fecal Holocaust Gene” Implants Dissociated Press The Israeli Knesset yesterday delayed voting on the Mandatory Tattoo Bill (KN-6283) requiring that all citizens be tattooed with Nazi concentration camp ID numbers in memory of the Holocaust. The bill also obliges newborn infants to undergo genetic screening to determine whether they …

Paul Craig Roberts: Zionist Lies About World War II — the Holocaust (Fake News) Industry — America Starts Telling the Truth NOW

The Lies About World War II The famous British military historian, Sir John Keegan, wrote in the Times Literary Supplement: “Two books stand out from the vast literature of the Second World War: Chester Wilmot’s The Struggle for Europe, published in 1952, and David Irving’s Hitler’s War. Despite many such accolades, today Irving is demonized …

Jack Mullen: The Sandy Hook Hoax, The German’s Holocaust (Post Victory by the Allies), and the Real Final Solution

The Sandy Hook Hoax, The German’s Holocaust (Post Victory by the Allies), and the Real Final Solution The Sandy Hook School Shooting, of December 2012, is the continuation of events and agenda that deliberately incited World War Two (WW2) – ultimately resulting in the western world being captured and enslaved by a mentally ill cult, …


TV HOST DEMOLISHES THE HOLOCAUST MYTH “The Jews spread this lie by using their influence and their arsenal of media outlets. They label anyone denying the story as an anti-Semite. They falsely claim that during World War II, upon a decision supposedly made by Hitler, over six million East European Jews were burned in ovens, designed …