Gordon Duff: Mossad Jeffrey Epstein Core Nuclear Blackmail and Smuggling Network Compromising Department of Energy, US Air Force, and Governors of New Mexico

Why America is a Threat? With all the investigation of Epstein, the “Lolita Express” and his private island, nothing is said of the “Zorro Ranch” in New Mexico. The facility is on land whose history, and we must be careful here, establishes a series of relationships between Epstein and powerful politicians who live nearby, some …

Daniel Ellsberg: Why Not End Nuclear Spending & Secrecy?

Interview with legendary whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg following his 89th arrest for resisting nuclear weapons, nuclear war and government secrecy One of the things I learned today from talks given at Lawrence Livermore Labs was that for the past seven years, each budget for nuclear weapons has increased. In particular it was true in 2015 under …

Veterans Today: Iranian Peace Plan — And Fear of a Shi’Ite Nuclear State

Rouhani to present Hormuz Peace Initiative at UN “This year at the United Nations, we will present to the world the Hormuz Peace Initiative — the gist of which is love and hope — with the slogan ‘The coalition of hope,’” he said. Rouhani said the initiative will envision the provision of security for the …

Gordon Duff: Is Epstein “Murder” Connected to Bill Richardson Nuclear Thefts and AIPAC Spy Ring?

Was Jeffrey Epstein Murdered Over Nuclear Thefts? One day after Jeffrey Epstein was tied to scandal ridden Clinton Energy Secretary, Bill Richardson, in a sex and Mossad blackmail scandal, Epstein is dead.  Our sources say Richardson was under investigation for a far wider range of security issues, including a role in facilitating the theft of …