Chuck Spinney: Obama’s Failure of Intelligence & Integrity

My friend Jeff Madrick, and old fashioned liberal democrat in the best sense of the term, has penned a pithy analysis of the anti-empirical madness now dominating the contemporary American political economy.  Jeff concludes that the Right ignores its track record, particularly regarding the clear economic effects of tax cuts, and is rarely challenged on …

Bin Laden Show 46: Blackwater Blown in Abottabad in January 2010

PDF 1 Page Phi Beta Iota: We like the presentation format, and we respect the fact that this was posted in 2010, over a year ago.  This should be an orchestrated “open web” rather than a closed  limited dissemination offering.  It is an accurate representation of something the CIA clandestine culture–and even less so the …

Bin Laden Show 25: Presidential Study Directive 11 of August 2010 and the Package Deal on Arab Spring, Muslim Brotherhood, Afghanistan, and Pakistan

Read P. 8; Arab Spring and death UBL are part of a masterplan to get a powersharing accord with the Muslim Brotherhood. All is based on Presidential Study Directive 11 of August 2010. Phi Beta Iota: August 2010 is also when the “Strategic Narrative” out of the office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs …

Integrity Emergent: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

NEW:  Strategic Narrative Featured at Woodrow Wilson Center led by Hon. Director Jane Harman, watch the video. Captain Wayne Porter discusses “A National Strategic Narrative” Posted: Tuesday, March 1, 2011 Institute of World Politics Captain Porter explained that US policy could benefit from adhering to a coherent strategic context. He was concerned that our leaders increasingly …

Insight on How Government Enabled Fraud

With triple-A rated toxic CDOs, for many, it became purely a matter of the fees & commissions on the transactions and doing as many as possible. There were reportedly $27T in triple-A rated toxic CDO transactions done during the bubble … with trillions in fees & commissions disappearing into various pockets.”