Cynthia McKinney: Media Contrived Fog of War

Coy’s article was edited; this is the edited version that appears in PolyMic. Media Fog of War Coy McKinney An embedded reporter snaps war footage. The U.S. military-industrial complex and media work together to propagate the agenda of government. NATO’s decision to intervene in Libya on humanitarian grounds has become an alarming and revealing assessment …

Human Trafficking Funded by US Taxpayer

The Najlaa Episode Revisited By DAVID ISENBERG and NICK SCHWELLENBACH Project on Government Oversight (POGO) June 14, 2011 Documents Reveal Details of Alleged Labor Trafficking by KBR Subcontractor EXTRACT: An Estimated Quarter of a Million Victims There are no definitive numbers on the scale of labor trafficking. However, writing in Fraud magazine, supply chain compliance …

US IC In Search of Enemies & Unwitting of Change

Another misstep by the IC…..Zawahiri has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, the same group that has brought you the “Arab Spring”, Washington’s perception of a move toward democracy….. Zawahiri’s goal has always been to overtake AQ (hence the belief he was responsible for Azam’s death) and make it a weapon of the Islamic Jihad.  If …