Worth a Look: Pedophilia & Empire Print — Book 2 of 5 Now Available

The centrality of the United Kingdom to Satanic and pedophile practices is so deep and broad that two of the five books in the series must be devoted to Great Britain. The third volume — the second focused on the United Kingdom — covers The Rothschild Illuminati Bloodline and Ties to More British Scandals. Canada …

Robert Steele: Is Donald Trump Managing Joe Biden?

Matt Taibbi deserves credit for opening my eyes to the possibility that everything we are watching is a Wrestlemania drama, with Joe Biden as the designated “heel” or loser. Review: Hate Inc. Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another by Matt Taibbi The more I observe the calculated insanity of the Biden-Harris pedophile-transvestite team, …

Mongoose: The Pedophilia – Transvestite Aspect of the Biden-Harris-Schumer-Pelosi Fraudulent Candidacy

That Joe Biden is an alleged pedophile is long known. That he forced his grand-daughter to shower with him, as well as how he used his dope-head son  to move hundreds of millions in illicit wealth, is also known now. Less known is the possibility that Kamala Harris may be a foreign-born transvestite, or that …