Journal: Weak Signals–Social Dislocation Ahead

From a source that must remain anonymous. State governments are in serious trouble now and once the federally-provided Stimulus Funds are used up in FY10 many states willhave no choice but to cut significant numbers of staff as well as marginalize social & health services programs (not to mention Corrections,compliance programs like Environmental Protection) dislocating …

Journal: Why the Gang of Six is deciding healthcare for 300 million of us

Six senators representing 3 percent of the population are running things because the White House wants it that way By Robert Reich Aug. 23, 2009 | On Thursday, the so-called Gang of Six – three Republicans and three Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee – met by conference call and, according to Max Baucus, D-Mont., …

CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 13 August 2009

Hot Topics AF:  Potent Bombs Slow Marine Offensive 08/11/09 AF: As Afghan Vote Nears, Taliban Step Up Intimidation 08/12/09 IQ:  Al Qaeda blamed for Iraq violence wave 08/10/09 IR:  Iran judiciary looks to calm prison abuse outrage 08/09/09 PK: Life, death and the Taliban: Blowback 08/10/09 PK:  Pakistan denies militants attacked nuclear sites 08/12/09 PK: …

PACOM Week in Review Ending 9 August 2009

Hot Topics AU: Outlawing al-Shabaab not the answer 08/06/09 BD: BANGLADESHS AMBIVALENT RELATIONS WITH THE PRC 08/04/09 BT: Bharti says to expand cable network to Bhutan 08/04/09 CN: China Investigates Top Nuclear Official 08/06/09 CN: China to surpass US in manufacturing by 2015 on road to Empire 08/04/09 CN: Chinese teen dies at Internet addiction rehab camp 08/06/09 CN: …

SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 4 August 2009

Hot Topics AA: Chile, Panama with the highest rate of imprisoned population 07/30/09 BR: Growth With Equity: Brazils Path to Economic Recovery 08/03/09 CL: Chile requests additional time to clear mines along Bolivian border 07/29/09 CO: Chiquita CEOs sponsored terrorism in Colombia, now identified 08/01/09 CR: Michael O McCarthy interviews Costa Rican Presidential Candidate … 07/30/09 CU: Cuba Strengthens its Institutionalism 08/03/09 CU: Raul Castro: Cuba wont undo …